Elevate your wedding for less. Book all 5 services under 6k

Fort Lauderdale, FL


Video Editing Styles

Video Editing Styles 8.10.22

Many of our clients want to know the difference between cinematic and documentary wedding video editing styles. In fact, most clients think that having a long video means it’s going to be a good video and you get your “money’s worth”.  Some clients will even make the statement that they want the longest video possible. […]

Four Non-traditional Venues in South Florida

Four Non-traditional Venues in South Florida 8.2.22

The wedding venue you select will significantly influence the tone of the celebration, the simplicity with which you arrange your wedding. Choose the incorrect size, and you will encounter problems with planning and implementation. Choose the ideal setting, and you will have the ceremony of your dreams. Fortunately, you have a variety of traditional and […]

Tips for Planning a Fun Wedding Reception

Tips for Planning a Fun Wedding Reception 6.15.22

Today, I’m giving tips for planning a fun reception.  More than ever, folks are looking for fun wedding reception ideas. Today’s “Icebreakers” are used to gain crowd engagement. They make the evening much more enjoyable. Here are a few ways and tips for planning a fun wedding reception in the South Florida area.

Ebony and Wesley's Live Streamed Wedding on 8/5/2022

Ebony and Wesley’s Live Streamed Wedding on 8/5/2022 6.6.22

When / How did we meet? We met on an online dating app and shortly after realized we went to the same university at the time. Tell us about your first date. We met on campus & drove over to the Shake Shack Restaurant across the street. We spent over two hours talking and laughing. […]

Eligiendo los Anillos de Compromiso y de Bodas

Eligiendo los Anillos de Compromiso y de Bodas 5.28.22

Los anillos de compromiso y de bodas representan un compromiso con tu pareja y un constante recordatorio de su historia de amor. Para mucha gente, el anillo de bodas es la pieza de joyería más costosa que jamás tendrán. También es una que usarán todos los días ¡así que es importante elegir la correcta! No […]

Beach Wedding Checklist

Beach Wedding Checklist 5.19.22

Beach weddings in Fort Lauderdale are alluring for many reasons and being out in the open, with the sand in your toes while the wind and waves sing their praises over your union, is one of those.  Miami Beach weddings are far from the typical traditional church or hotel wedding.  I’m not saying that there […]

Reasons To Have A Weekday Wedding

Reasons To Have A Weekday Wedding 5.10.22

The year is reaching its end and the recent rise in the Coronavirus pandemic is causing a lot of couples to postpone their original wedding date.  This means Saturdays are becoming more scarce for weddings. Although this may seem like a huge disappointment, it’s not! Turn your Saturday wedding into Monday Soiree or even Wednesday […]

Ways To Personalize Your Wedding Ceremony

Ways To Personalize Your Wedding Ceremony 5.10.22

The moment you walk down the aisle to meet your better half in front of your favorite people should be a moment to remember. If the idea of a traditional wedding ceremony sounds a little lackluster, personalizing some of the moments could be a great option. Through years of attending tons of weddings, we have […]

Wedding Signs

Wedding Signs 5.1.22

You’ve likely seen plenty of wedding signs on Pinterest, Instagram and on top wedding blogs, so you’re already inspired by some of the most cleverly-worded wedding signs, romantic wedding signs, and enticing signature drink signs. You can make these as wedding DIY projects, order them from talented artists, or even borrow signs from your recently […]

Complete Weddings + Events, Fort Lauderdale’s leading provider of event and wedding photography, DJ services, videography, lighting  & coordination services

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