The old fashioned rhyme, “Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue,” has a place in the hearts of brides-to-be everywhere. Including all of these items as part of your wedding ensemble is said to bring you luck in marriage, and who can’t use more of that? Even if you are unsure of how much luck this tradition actually brings, it is still fun to include them in your wedding day.
It’s easy to see how the something old, something new, and something borrowed can make their way into any wedding tradition. These three are all about remembering your family, looking forward to the future, and hoping for happiness like the other married couples you love. But how does the color blue fit into this? Well, it turns out that blue is a sign of love, purity, and fidelity. Historically, brides would wear blue to represent that and to ward off evil on their wedding day.
Today, you have the option to add as little or as much blue as you want to show your partner that you are full of love, purity, and faithfulness. How you add it in can be as traditional or as edgy as you want. We have compiled some unique ideas to get you started.

Accessorize Your Love
Jewelry is always an easy way to add a bit of blue to your wedding day. A set of earrings, a bracelet, or a cocktail ring can really finish your look. As an added bonus, if you borrow them from someone special, it can count for your something blue and something borrowed.
Shoes are a critical piece to all wedding day wear. Instead of choosing a traditional white pair of heels, why not choose a blue pair to add a pop of color? You can be subtle with a light, dusty blue sandal or really make a statement with a royal blue pair of pumps. If you are not sure you are bold enough to wear blue shoes, you can always add a blue ribbon or paint the soles of your shoes blue for a fun surprise when you kick up your heels on the dance floor.
While most brides don’t carry many things with them on their wedding day, most have a small clutch with them to keep their essentials in. Why not make this your something blue? The bonus to this option is that it is easy to use again after the wedding! If you want to spice it up, you can even add a matching pair of sunglasses in the same blue color. We love options that are practical and pretty.
If getting your nails done before the big day is on your list, consider painting your nails a lovely shade of blue. It is a simple way to make sure you have your something blue included in your day. If blue fingernails are not your thing, you can always get a pedicure and have blue toenails instead. With your toes tucked away in your shoes, you don’t have to worry about the color being noticed, but you still have your blue touch!

Flower Power
The one thing that you will have with you most of the day is your bouquet. This is an easy place to add in something blue. Consider wrapping your steams with a blue ribbon, adding some blue rhinestone pins for sparkle, or even placing some beautiful blue accent flowers in your arrangement. Hydrangeas, grape hyacinths, and orchids are all natural blue flowers you can consider. However, most florists can tint any flower you love just the right hue of blue for you, so let your imagination run free.
Subtle Blues Just for You
If you are not too concerned with your guests seeing your something blue, then you can use your garter to add a sneaky hint of it. Here you can get as simple or elaborate as you want. Adding a simple blue ribbon to your white garter or going full blue with your garter choice is all up to you. Just remember, either way, you want it to be comfortable since you will be wearing it for a while!
Another sneaky and sweet way to add blue to your dress is to have your wedding date or new initials embroidered on the inside of your wedding gown. No one will see it, but you will know that it is there. Plus, it can be a fun surprise for your partner later on.
Here Comes the Bride in Blue
For those of you who are feeling really edgy, forgetting the blue accents and going for a blue wedding dress might be just the thing for you. There are a lot of really trendy options for blue wedding gowns that are beautiful. It can be as subtle as a blue lace overskirt, or as bold as a navy blue gown. One thing’s for sure—no one will wonder what your something blue is.
If you are choosing a full skirt for your wedding gown, adding an underskirt of blue tulle can be a classy way to incorporate your something blue. It is subtle and practical. Plus, that little peek of blue when you walk up the steps or dance the night away will show off a bit of your sassy side as well.
Let Your Blues Reach Up to the Sky
We love wedding veils. Whether you are going to have a long cathedral veil or a simple lace blusher, choosing blue is becoming a trendy option for adding something blue to your wedding ensemble. A blue ombré veil, blue lace edges, or just simple blue tulle would all be eye-catching options. This can truly be a beautiful statement piece that will turn more heads than just your partner’s.
As a bride, you will be planning something amazing with your hair on your wedding day. Wear it up, down, or somewhere in between, this is a great place to add in something blue. Having some blue hair pins or an embellished hair comb will add glamour to any classy up-do. If you are feeling more bohemian chic, a crown of flowers with some blue blooms is just the right touch to finish your look for the day. Either way, this touch of blue will be beautiful.

Brainstorm More Blue: Complete Weddings + Events Can Help
Every bride and every wedding is unique, and adding a touch of something blue to your day should be, too. The options are truly endless. If you need more ideas, we have a Pinterest board filled couples who chose something blue. And if you get overwhelmed by all the ideas out there, remember we are here to help you find the perfect option, no matter what traditions you love best. Just contact us to get started.