School Event Videography | Complete Weddings + Events


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School Event Videography

School Event Videograhy

School Event Videography

A first school dance, a high school theater production, and a graduation ceremony are all cornerstone school events. Moments like these are special and beg to be captured in true-to-life video. At Complete Weddings + Events we offer school event videography services to preserve the memories made at these school events and capture your unique school spirit on film.

Why Your School Event Needs Videography

We offer school event videography to record those ones in a million moments with students, parents, and teachers. Our team of professional videographers knows that time flies and during events, especially, they understand they need to be on their toes. Combining their sharp observation with technical skills, a professional videographer can come up with tons of quality footage and pull it together to create a high impact, a memorable video highlighting the best parts of the event.

How We Can Help

There are countless school activities that can benefit from having a videographer there to film the special moments. Complete Weddings + Events will pair you with a seasoned videographer to make the most of your event, whether it’s huge graduation or a one-act play. Here are a few of our most-requested event videography packages:

  • Prom: Why stop at photos when you can capture all the dresses, dancing, and music on camera? Students will ham it up for the videographer and parents will love having prom videography to look back on when their high schoolers are grown up.
  • Musical and Plays: Lights, Camera, Action! Complete Weddings + Events has the cameras covered, so student productions can get some screen time in addition to stage time. For students performing, videography also offers them a chance to watch the whole production from an audience perspective, re-living their performance!
  • Sporting Events: From the first game of the year to the championship, athletes play hard and win big! Capturing their victories on film is a great way to honor the work, the dedication, and the teamwork of a game well played.
  • Pep Rallies: School spirit brings students, staff, and teachers together, and bringing videography adds some excitement to the already festive pep rallies. Plus, showcase your vibrant school spirit and revisit high-energy moments during the school year with a video that’s easily shareable.
  • Graduation: Graduation ceremonies are the final moments’ high school students have together before they embark on the next chapter of their lives. They are full of hugs, tears, pride, and joy that only school event videography can preserve and bring to life.

Complete Weddings + Events is ready to help you with all your school event videography needs. With cinematic quality, a plethora of talent, and diverse event videography packages, we aim to exceed your expectations. For photographers, DJs, photo booth experiences, and the rest of your school event needs to check us out today!

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