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Valentine’s Special: Jeremy + Kim


Love is in the air! With Valentine’s Day coming up we wanted to do something a little different with our weekly blogs. We are going to dive into how our Complete Weddings + Events Staff fell in love and where they are now. Today’s love story is all about our lead sales manager, Jeremy Rubenstein, and his wife, Kim.


Valentine’s Special: Jeremy + Kim

How did you and Kim meet? 

Actually, we knew each other for over a decade prior to dating!  Kim and I reconnected through close friends of ours who owned a bar which she and I would frequent (she wasn’t there as much as I was, those were my younger years).  On the rare occasion when she’d make an appearance, I always got so excited to see her.  She was and IS ALWAYS the cutest girl in the room.  Kim was the one who every guy wanted to be with but she shrugged them away without exception.  Somehow I was able to talk her into going out with me and after our first date, I went home and told my Mom she was the girl I would marry.  I knew it instantly.  ALL of my friends told me it wouldn’t last longer than a week before she’d toss me aside but thank goodness she didn’t.  My big brother even bet me a Big Buck Hunter Arcade machine that I wouldn’t marry her so we were able to cash in on a nice bonus once she said “I do.”

What are your favorite qualities that Kim has?

Kim is the most giving person I have had the pleasure of coming across and she will stop everything she’s doing to help a soul in need.  She has a brilliant mind and is one of the smartest people I’ve met in my life.  She possesses an ageless beauty; she’s absolutely gorgeous and still to this day takes my breath away when I look at her.  When she walks into a room everyone is just magnetized toward her smile and her charm.  Most importantly, my Kimmy is the funniest, most down-to-earth girl anytime and anywhere.  I’ve never known a true partnership like the kind we have.

How did you propose/where did you get married?

I have to explain a few things first, otherwise, this answer will sound crazy.  First of all, Christmas is my absolute favorite holiday.  When we moved in with one another prior to marriage, I always begged her that we keep the tree up as long as possible after Santa came to visit.  Sometimes I’d get my way but when I’d go off to work, she’d somehow find the time to strip the house bare of any remanence of holiday fun (sort of like the Grinch).  In light of this, I thought it would be cool to propose to her while at the same time adding some loving retribution.  After our decorations were taken down one year, she was away working and I had the day off.  So I took out ALL of our Christmas decorations and rekindled the holiday which I so desperately missed.  I lit about 200 candles on a big open space on the floor which spelled out “Merry Me?”  She arrived home at the perfect time, stared at me blankly and asked me two questions:  First, “why is our floor on fire?”  And the second one (my favorite) “Do you know you spelled marry wrong?”  After another few seconds the holiday innuendo kicked in and she finally started laughing and said yes.  One of my favorite days for sure.

We were married in Destin, Florida on September 21st of 2013.  We were supposed to get married with the waves crashing in the background and a beautiful sunset but it DOWNPOURED on our wedding day so we said “I do” under a hotel overhang instead.  Our family and friends actually stole sand from the beach (which is a federal offense by the way in Destin) so we were still able to exchange vows barefoot with our toes in the sand.

What is your favorite memory with Kim?

That is such a hard question to answer.  There are waaaaay more than one.  I’d say the day I proposed and the day we were married. As well as March 24th, 2015 and November 17th, 2020 when our children were born.

What are you and Kim up to now?

We’re proud parents to our six-year-old son, Nico, and our three-month-old daughter, Vivienne Rose.  We have been working and in quarantine (particularly with our new addition) for a year now, and our love grows more and more every day even though we’re constantly cooped up together.  She is a financial advisor and I am our lead Event Consultant and Sales Manager here at Complete Weddings and Events!  We’re both extremely passionate about our jobs and continue to fulfill our needs to assist others to the best of our abilities every day.

What advice can you give our future Complete Couples?

Remember why you fell in love with each other in the mornings when you wake.  Remember, you have to listen more than you have to talk.  And love each other unconditionally regardless of the circumstances that come your way.  For the guys out there:  it’s not that marriage is hard; we just have to shut-up, not argue with our wives and say “yes” a lot.  If you can manage to adhere to that advice, it will take you further than you can possibly imagine and perpetuate your love into the stratosphere.

Complete Weddings + Events in Austin, TX

If you’re planning a wedding in Austin, then you’ve landed at the right place! Now that you’ve said YES! to spending your life together, you have some exciting decisions ahead. At Complete Weddings + Events planning in Austin, wedding events are what we do best.  Complete Weddings + Events, Austin’s leading provider of event and wedding photographyvideographylightingcoordinationDJ services & photo booth rental.


Complete Weddings + Events, Austin’s leading provider of event and wedding photography, videography, lighting, coordinationDJ services & photo booth rental.

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