Looking for a Sarasota wedding videographer to capture the magic of your big day? Complete Weddings + Events specializes in creating high-quality cinematic wedding films that preserve life’s most cherished moments. Our expert videographers combine artistry and technical skill to tell your unique love story in vivid, high-definition video.
From candid emotional moments to meticulously planned shots, our wedding videographers highlight the beauty of your venue and the essence of your celebration. With a focus on storytelling, we ensure every detail of your day becomes part of a film you’ll treasure forever.
Our team of professional videographers is ready to work with you and provide you with the best possible event experience, so you receive the highlight video you love. With years of experience, we specialize in capturing raw footage and turning it into a stunning film for you to relive in the future.
Experience your wedding day all over again with a custom highlight film showcasing the most memorable moments. Our Sarasota wedding videographer team carefully selects the most heartfelt scenes—your first look, laughter-filled speeches, and joyous dances—and brings them together in a beautifully edited video set to music. It’s the perfect way to relive the magic anytime.
Transform your Sarasota wedding video into a cinematic masterpiece with stunning aerial drone footage. From sweeping views of Sarasota’s most iconic locations to the elegance of Sarasota’s downtown venues, our expert wedding videographers use state-of-the-art drone technology to provide breathtaking perspectives that add a dynamic, cinematic touch to your wedding film.
While one videographer can capture the essentials, having two ensures no moment goes unnoticed. With two Sarasota wedding videographers on-site, we can film multiple angles, simultaneous events, and all those in-between details. From the quiet pre-ceremony moments to the packed dance floor, every special scene will be documented. This added coverage guarantees that every special scene of your celebration is beautifully preserved in your wedding film.
Videography is one of the services we most often hear people say they regret missing out on. With our Sarasota wedding videographers on hand on your big day, you won’t miss a thing. We guarantee you will not regret adding videography to your must-haves list.
Our wedding videographers are ready to record your event and send you an unforgettable wedding video keepsake to mark the occasion and become part of your family’s story and legacy. Nothing tells a wedding day love story better than a cinematic wedding film!
We always recommend getting to know the work of a few videographers you are interested in, so you can make a confident decision. Spent time processing what’s important to you:
These are just a few things that will tell you if you have found the right videographer.
We make planning and building the perfect wedding and event videography and photography package easy. We work through all of the details and customize a photo and video package to capture exactly what you’re looking for.
Our Sarasota wedding videographers will work closely with your wedding photographer on the big day to ensure all the filming is completed efficiently, and your cinematography team doesn’t have to pose you and your wedding party twice to capture the same moment.
We understand that every couple is unique, which is why we’re committed to creating a personalized experience that aligns with your style and preferences.
Complete Weddings + Events Sarasota is the leading provider of event and wedding videography in the area. We provide you with stunning event and wedding films that keep your memories alive in beautiful HD video. For the rest of your event, we’re here to help, too — contact us to learn more about our other event and wedding services including photographers, DJs, photo booth rentals, coordinators, and more.
“I was never sure about having a videographer to capture the day but I’m so happy I did! Brennan was amazing and was able to capture all the best moments of the night!” – Kathryn S.
“We were married in Siesta Key last week and he was so great. On cue all night. Very professional but fun. I would definitely recommend!” – Chris F.
“We hired Complete Weddings + Events for our wedding – Martin and Brennan made the planning easy, and the day of fun! Thank you!” – Hannah B.
At Complete Weddings + Events, we are committed to providing exceptional event and wedding videography services in Sarasota, FL, and nearby areas including:
"The videographer was a joy to have, and very sweet. She was always there to capture the moment, every time I looked up wondering if she had caught that, she did."
- Amanda J.
Complete Weddings + Events, Sarasota’s leading provider of event and wedding photography, videography, lighting, coordination, DJ services & photo booth rental.