COVID-19 Postponing Your Wedding…
We are here for you:
First and foremost, our hearts go out to all the brides and couples that have been faced with the tough decision to postpone their wedding. Our team at Complete is here for you! We are here to help you during this time in any way that we can, whether it be finding a new venue, or helping to come up with a way to proceed with your current date, or helping you move your date forward. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you need a brain to pick or shoulder to cry on, we are here to be supportive and be a resource for you.
Below are some tips and best practices for navigating through changing your wedding date:
Before making the decision, communication with your vendors is key! You will need to find out if your venue is still hosting events and if all your vendors are still operating. If you find that a member of your pro team is no longer operating or your venue is no longer hosting events, it may seem like the end of the world, but you have other options.
You have options:
Many venues are offering a ceremony only option, and when this all passes you can have that reception of your dreams with all your friends and family. If the date is not that significant then you can postpone your wedding. When possible, you should postpone and not cancel. Chances are that will save you from losing any deposits you have made, after all, you still want to get married and will need your vendors, just at a later date.
What to do, should you decide to postpone:
Should you decide to postpone your wedding, the first people to contact are your team of vendors, they will be understanding and will work with you to find a date in the future that works best for you. You will then have to reach out to your family and friends and let them know your decision. If you have a wedding website that is an easy way to let everyone know what your plans are. You could also send out another save the date and let your guests know more details will follow.
When working with your vendors to reschedule, try to keep an open mind. While your original date may have landed on a Saturday, securing another Saturday later in the year may not be possible. Consider other days of the week like a Thursday, Friday or Sunday. You’ll have a better chance of securing all of your vendors, and, yes, your guests will still attend!
Vendor Contracts:
Make sure you read through your contracts thoroughly to understand what your options are in regard to full or partial refunds. Most vendors will work with you as this is uncharted territory for all of us.
Communicate with each other:
It’s also important to communicate with each other on how you and your fiancé are feeling. It’s ok to be upset! Don’t let anyone else tell you how to feel or that it’s not a big deal to postpone. The reality is that these conditions are not ideal, but you will get through this. Our team at Complete is here to help you through this in any way we can. Celebrate your day anyway. Even if it’s not the day you had planned, the date will always hold significance. Find a small, but meaningful way to celebrate. Plan a fancy date night or enjoy your favorite bottle of wine and a movie, but celebrate none the less and when the time is right you will get to marry your best friend and have your best day ever! We hope this blog of tips to Postponing your wedding due to COVID-19 was helpful. Please do not hesitate to reach out if we can help in any way.