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😨 Photographer THREATENED by Bride’s Family 👊 Wedding Drama


I will react to a video that says a bride’s family threatened the DJ and photographer after they left the wedding. This is a reaction to actually Jessica Kay’s video. I did a reaction to one of her videos before. I liked it so I decided to do another reaction video. So Jessica, this is two now. We’ll see how many I’ll be able to do of yours.

It’s very interesting to me because the bride threatens the DJ. I don’t know if that means threatens them with a lawsuit or like physically threatens them. Like, I’m like, I’m either way, I know it’s going to be entertaining. Coming from Jessica Kay’s channel, which is always entertaining.

😨 Photographer THREATENED by Bride’s Family 👊 Wedding Drama

I like watching her content. I frequent her page. So maybe one day she’ll react to me reacting to her reaction. I don’t know. Who knows? The only thing that it says on here though, it says that let’s take a look at a post from choosing beggar about a bride that loses both her DJ and photographer.


So this should be very interesting. Today I’m going to be reacting to choosing beggar bride Zilla loses DJ and photographer in the middle of her wedding. What’s the story there? Well, how did this happen? Two people? No music and no pictures?


At least there’s food though, right? Yes, I like good food. Posted this as a comment in r slash choosing beggars last night and someone suggested I post this here. So for your enjoyment, I give you the story of my very first wedding shoot.


Why is it always the very first wedding shoot or the second wedding shoot? It’s never like, here’s what happened on photo shoot number 5000. This is crazy stuff happened here. Loses a photographer and the DJ at the same night.


Like that never happens on photo shoot number one million. It’s always on photo shoot number one or two. I’m guessing this is a photographer writing this. Hi, how are you? Hi, how are you? How is it? Not a good photo shoot, huh? No, no, it actually was, it sucked. It sucked very, very bad.


I’ve had some of those. There’s no photographer that’s going to take the time to post and wedding shaming. I wouldn’t do that. That doesn’t deserve an apology. I know. I would accept. Starting out in photography, it’s more of a hobby now that pays sometimes.


I took one of these low pay for full day shoots. I had a few photos to show off, but not pro level portfolio. I charged the lady $600 for eight hours. $600 for eight hours. We’re talking about a total of 75 bucks an hour for eight hours.


Definitely not at the level of a professional photographer, obviously, but still if you’re starting out, you know, this is your first shoot, 75 bucks an hour when you’re, you know, whatever minimum wage or just above that. That’s not bad. I know. I was new and we all got to start somewhere, right?


At this really swanky local place, old like 1800s plantation house converted into a wedding venue. $600 for eight hours. It’s better than the last story I read where it’s like someone charged $50 for a wedding for 50 bucks an hour, right?


With literally the whole wedding day. No. So I would say this is an upgrade. That must be a typo. At least we’re in the hundreds for this one. She paid the $300 nonrefundable deposit a couple of months before the wedding.


The check bounced. Run, run, run. If you get a deposit, 300 bucks, and that check bounces, then chances are it’s going to be a chore to be able to collect from this person. I guess that additional $300 or whatever. I mean, that’s, that’s crazy.


If I was this person here in choosing beggars group, then my story would have gone like this. Let me tell you about my first wedding shoot. The client hired me. They paid a nonrefundable $300 with a check, the check bounce. So I fired that client in the story. What do you think?


Should have been a clue. Yep. Should have been a clue. I needed to work and the pictures. I called and emailed her to let her know what happened. She apologized. I’m sorry. I’m sure they always apologize.


And cash at the wedding. Oh my. I say this a lot. She didn’t even mention about a contract. So make sure you have a signed contract. So hopefully this person here had a signed contract, but except payment on the day of the event.


This is the reason why I’ll be devil’s advocate right now. I will be the client. How do I know you’ll show up? Oh, Mr. and Ms. client. Thank you so much for asking that question. Here are all of my reviews. Here’s wedding wire. Here’s the not, here’s Yelp.


Here’s Google. Here is whatever. Here comes the guide, right? Here are all these reviews. Show me one time where it says we paid them in full and they did not show up. And I mentioned this because I am assuming that if I stole somebody’s money, it would probably be number one, it would probably be a pattern.


And number two, the person that I stole from probably wouldn’t be like this. No, they’re going to tell everybody. They’re going to say, this dude took my money and didn’t show up. So that’s number one. Number two, if I accept payment on the day of your event, what happens is at some point, not necessarily with you, Mr.


and Ms. client, but with someone I will end up being an A -hole. And the reason why I say this is because on a wedding day, there’s a whole many different things that can happen that you have to remember.


You got to remember the rings and the bouquet and RSVP this person. And was this person supposed to get chicken? Are these people sitting together and all this other stuff? Oh, by the way, let me make sure I have $600 in my wallet for this person.


Obviously it would be more for someone of a higher caliber. So let me make sure I have all this money for this person. And if the client doesn’t have the money, then basically what would happen is I would tell them, I’m sorry, I’m going home.


I’m not going to do any work because I must have funds in order to provide this service for you. So unfortunately, you will not have a photographer, DJ, whatever it is on this day. And I don’t want to be that person. I don’t want to be the A -hole that tells you this on your wedding day.


I would prefer to be able to come in without having to worry about anything and do my job impeccably for you. And so in order for me to do that, I have to have cleared funds well in advance. So you can’t give me a check. You would have to give me cash.


And let’s just say I am twice the photographer that this person is. So that means you have to have $1 ,200 in cash to give to me on your wedding day that you have to remember the boot mirror and the garter and the rings and the bouquets and the emergency kit and all this extra stuff plus getting cash.


And then of course on the day of, it’s probably a Saturday. So that means that you would have to get cash prior to because you can’t pull $1 ,200 out of the ATM. So that means you have to go to the bank and pull out this cash. And typically on Saturdays, there’s going to be an ordeal.


So you’d have to do it during the week and then you have to carry all this cash with you. So let’s not make it harder for you. So pay me before 30 days prior would be preferable. So anyway, they said cash on the day of and there is no way that that’s going to happen.


No, she’s not going to pay the day of the wedding. I just said that. I just said that we are some body gold, Jessica. Only thing she’s paying is attention to the groom that she’s going to marry and that you’re going to photograph for free.


Like both of them. Let’s be real here. That’s exactly what’s happening. Get there the day of and there’s no one in charge. Find the bride. She says she’s going to get her money. Vanishes for 45 minutes.


Wait, wait, hold on. You waited till the day of. Oh, no. This person should have taken care of it the moment the check bounced and emailed the client and then like, Hey, the check bounced. Your day is not reserved until you pay the deposit.


So choose choose what you want to do. Let me know before you get married. Again, we are some potty gold and all that and do the ceremony and join your hands in marriage find the bride She says she’s going to get her money Venetges for 45 minutes find her again.


She says her mom has it. Oh my god Can’t find her mom find the mom She’s clueless a couple of hours go by and I help myself to the free food wedding starts. Oh my god She’s not paying. I don’t really see this going in a good direction. No, she’s basically just stalling She’s like go ask my mom.


Yeah, my mom has it I mean, why would your mom have the money for your photographer? It doesn’t make that doesn’t make any sense to me Well, I mean she could have given it to her so she doesn’t spend it or lose it or whatever You don’t carry a purse when you have your wedding gown I’m not making excuses for this bride as bright sucks But there is a possibility that mom could have had it But once you say mom was up with the cash and mom says Then you know that that bride is full of it.


So we’re on the same page Jessica is just I can possibly foresee, you know when I was nine I had my mom hold my important things in her pocketbook if this were me I’m not even gonna show up to your wedding.


You don’t pay a deposit. You didn’t look me. Yep We didn’t reserve the day. You didn’t put down the deposit period. So I’m not gonna contract. Don’t say you’re gonna say contract You’re gonna be there and your husband is gonna be there Contract I figure what the I’ll take some pictures anyway for my portfolio her uncle is there with a camera constantly getting in my shots I had to ask him to move or sit down five different times.


I get it Jessica I know I know you’re gonna say it well clearly they didn’t hire a photographer because they know money being exchanged But people who hire the photographer and then they have somebody that shows up because they went to Best buy and was like hey this camera is a thousand dollar camera.

So it means I’m gonna take great pictures So let me get in the way. I think I’m gonna link right here a video where oh my god It was a live stream, but figuratively Everybody got up for the first kiss right in front of the video camera was on the beach It was crazy and we’re all like dude even the efficient was like sit your down.


We got professionals here move move move move I know what you’re gonna say Jessica I can see it by the look in your eyes I know exactly what you’re about to say that let’s remove those people from the face of the earth This sounds like a nightmare the guests who show up with the DSLRs and the mayor list trying to take pictures getting in your way You you were invited sir.


Hmm or ma ‘am. Why don’t you just eat in invite off of the salad and enjoy the day? All sweaty running around trying to get Charge the batteries. Mm -hmm. You know switch out the memory cards. I’m the one zooming in sir You don’t have to do this you don’t have to if you’re gonna show up to the wedding with a professional camera And you’re gonna get in the way of all my shots and you’re gonna use a flash Just work for me like literally join my squad Become one of the photographers carry my bag, you know, that’s all I can really say that’s the only solution I find to this because you’re making my job harder.


So I feel like you should be part of my job, right? If you can’t beat them we should absorb you into the group and you should work for free. I mean, you’re working for free anyway. So I mean, what’s the difference? Join the club.


The photographer’s working for free. Why not have uncle work for free? Everybody work for free in this wedding. Ceremony’s over. They’re doing the normal post ceremony stuff. Finally, get bride alone. Says she’s going to get the money right then.


Doesn’t return for half an hour. Then says her new hubby has it. Dude, nobody has it at this point. Every two minutes she’s like, this person has it. Actually, no, uncle Jim has it. No, you see the flower girl, the two year old.


Yeah, she has it. It’s in her left shoe. I mean, I don’t understand what this bride is trying to accomplish. I really don’t because let’s just say she’s actually thinking these people have this money.


Are they gullible enough to give the pitchers to the bride before getting paid? Yeah, it’s COD. Here’s the USB. Oh yeah, thank you. Now my cab driver, he’s got the money. Finally realized I ain’t getting paid for this.


But at least I got food and drinks and some experience. Started up a conversation with the DJ, asked him in a joking way if he’s been paid. He says, of course, I tell him what’s going on. He checks his bank right then and wouldn’t you know his check has bounced too.


Blurred. Dude, when does she pay you? Oh my God, see, that’s why, again, I go back to the 30 days prior. That way there is not, you know, you show up and oops. Yeah, the check bounced.


And wow, that is, yeah, blood boiling right now. He calls her over the PA. He’s clearly done this before. And when she gets there, he informs her of the bounce check. I ask again about my money as well. She makes some excuse about having to run to the car to get it.


I tell her she’s told me her mom had it, her husband had it, and she’s gone to personally get it twice in the last four hours. So no, she can call someone over to go get it for her. She starts that we’re ruining her day.


Pay us at the end. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. You are ruining my day. I had nothing at all to do with the ruination at all. It’s all you. If you would just wait until the end, even though I’ve given you the run around for four hours, but you wait until the end because you are ruining my day.


DJ said, sorry, I don’t work for free. Cuts the music in the middle of everyone’s dancing and started unhooking his equipment. She loses it. He tells her she’s got five minutes to get his money or he’s out. I tell her the same.


She runs off and 10 minutes later, I’m helping the DJ pack up his stuff. Ha ha ha ha ha. That is a power move right there. But you know what? It worked. Yeah man. The DJ knows that if he plays this set without being paid, he would have to do the job.


He would have to do the job and then she could just be like, oh, I’m not gonna pay you or yeah. No collateral dude. He’s never paid him. Yep, yep, it’s with photographers. We work like this when it deals with overtime.


So we have a client that wants the photographer to stay, whether they’re running late or they just realize that they have extra things that they want to accomplish with a photographer or videographer. So if that happens, we have collateral.


We will typically, I’d say in 99% of the time, we will allow the client to give us the thumbs up to stay. Typically they sign something or we record them or something like that where they say, I’m going to authorize you to stay later.


And I understand that when you staying later that I will owe you your overtime rate. 99% of the time they pay and there’s no issues. But when it comes to the DJ or the photo booth, there is no collateral. You can’t unhear music, but with the photographer and videographer, we can hold on to the photos until they pay the money.


You ask for the overtime, we did the overtime. So now you have to pay. If you don’t pay, then you don’t get your photos. Kind of thing. Not a nice thing to do, not a nice game to play, but at the same time they authorized us to stay and they agreed to pay the rate.


So now we have collateral to hold against them until they pay. So we have to get paid in cash before starting the overtime. So it’s not like at the end of overtime. If your event ends at 11 o ‘clock, 11 PM at 10 59, there needs to be cash in hand.


Otherwise 11 o ‘clock, everything gets shut down. So that’s what she’s talking about here. He would have completed the job and then she would just be like, oh, I’m not going to pay you. That’s exactly what this person would have done.


Will do. He already completed the service. So him stopping in the middle, I feel like he kind of has to do that because you can’t, like he, she’s not paying for the service and his service is during the wedding.


And just imagine if the photographer didn’t say anything like, hey, I didn’t get paid. He’s like, oh no, I got paid. You have her check bounce before. Oh shoot, let me check. Oh, what? Like just imagine if she didn’t say anything to him, he would have done the entire thing, the entire wedding.


And then she would have just, you know, doost him. So parents and the uncle stop us at the door saying they have us for four more hours. We have a contract and we can’t leave. We both politely tell her that she hasn’t held up her end of the contract by not paying for services by the appointed time.


We agree if we get our money right then we’ll stay. Shockingly no one had the money for it so we left. Shockingly? I didn’t go to the money. They stop you at the door. Like this is seen in good fellas. Now you just can’t leave.


Get out of here dude. I’m out of here. Stop me. What are you going to do? They really said that you can’t leave and they stopped you guys at the door. Sounds like kidnapping. If somebody was preventing me from leaving I would just keep moving.


I would just keep walking. You’re going to have to stop me. I’m a red rover this joint. Here’s the best part. She calls me a month later saying she just got back from her honeymoon and saw me taking pictures.


Saw the thumbnails on my site but couldn’t act like that. And she liked her pictures and the code. I told her I’d be happy to give her the proofs and she could order the individual pictures she wanted from me once she paid me the $600 she owed.


She then spent the next two weeks emailing me and leaving me voicemails saying I either needed to give her the wedding pictures, remove them from my site because she didn’t give me permission to use them and she owns the copyright or she’d take me to court. Again if you had a contract let’s just assume you didn’t have a contract.


Let’s just assume that because nobody’s ever said anything about a contract. Always please always have a signed contract. But for this person to say that they own the copyright the person who took the pictures owns the copyright and unless you can show any case law that states in your state that a photographer arbitrarily gives up the ownership of their pictures then you can’t just claim that.


Oh I own the copyright. If you own the copyright then why are you asking me for the thumbnail sin? Why are you asking me for access? I don’t think that’s how copyright works. You don’t own the copyright the photographer or whoever clicked the shutter button owns the copyright.


I politely reminded her of the contract told her that this… Oh you do have a contract! If you have a contract then why don’t you keep referring back to that at least in this message or at least to the bride. Hey in the contract this.


Hey in the contract that. Unfortunately your contract is kind of null and void because you never got consideration. Maybe time can be consideration. Again lawyers out there watching this if that’s the case I know it’s very difficult but there is no consideration.


She didn’t pay you so all you have is a contract which we don’t even know if it was signed but let’s see. This isn’t how that works and said I’d be happy to meet her in court with all of my documentation. Contract, bank statements, showing bounce check etc. Never heard from her again.


Suffice it to say now I won’t even put your date down on my calendar until you’ve paid the deposit and if you’re still not fully paid up on the day of my equipment won’t come out of my car until I’ve been paid in full if I even show up to begin with. Seems like the photographer did the right thing by having a contract but when you don’t enforce your contract.


Thank you. The clients don’t take it seriously. This is exactly what happens. That was my reaction to Jessica Kay’s video where a bride threatens DJ and photographer after they leave the wedding.


Well at least according to the video she threatened the photographer. I don’t know what she did with the DJ but I say write on for both of them for just bouncing because if they’re giving you the run around now it’s just going to be even more of a headache so I would have nipped that bad boy in the bud.


As I said before my story would have been. I took a deposit from a bride in the check about so I didn’t do the wedding. Story over done but that’s not what we have. We have somebody who is new to the game and that’s what happened to them so I get to react to Jessica reacting to that story.

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