Colorado Springs, CO


wedding with no local family

Planning A Wedding With No Local Family 11.9.21

Whether it was your college town, hometown, or just a special city you’ve fallen in love with, your heart might be set on getting married in a town you no longer live in or you’ve only visited before. The bustling city could be appealing, or maybe it’s the town’s remoteness and bright, twinkling stars at […]

bridal shower games

Bridal Shower Games 10.28.21

Bridal showers are a moment to breathe in between planning your wedding and your engagement. This is a great way for your guests to meet each other for the first time before your big day. The big question is, how do you keep your guests entertained? Whether you’re planning on having the party for just […]

How to Create a Wedding Hashtag

How to Create a Wedding Hashtag 9.13.21

The venue, Invites, Florals – Check, Check, Check! This next item on your wedding planning checklist can be completely cost-free! However, resources or extra brainpower can be helpful to check off a creative hashtag. You’re not alone if you’d fancy having hashtags guests can use at your wedding on social media! Wedding hashtags have become […]

Wedding Themes

Timeless Wedding Themes 9.3.21

One of the most exciting parts of planning a wedding is deciding on your theme. A wedding theme decides what you’ll wear, how you will decorate the venue, and even what kind of food you will have. Having a theme makes it easier for you to narrow down some of the bigger decisions of your […]

wedding party at outdoor wedding in maroon and navy

Why Do I Need a Wedding Planner in Colorado Springs? 7.12.21

When hosting your own wedding, it’s typically your first time putting together an event of such grandeur, where you’re both managing and are the key decision-maker on every aspect: budget, decor, timing, all the things! While this may naturally feel like an exciting feat, (finally you get to decide the menu!), there are tons of […]

Beautiful blossoming tree behind couple during gorgeous engagement session

Wedding Planning Mistakes 5.5.21

Getting engaged is one of the most exciting things you do perhaps in your entire lifetime! Typically, you’ll have about a week’s worth of time of pure joy during the engagement party and initial celebration. After the celebration is over, you’re left with the reality that you have an entire wedding to plan. When planning […]

Flats vs Heels: Wedding Shoes

Flats vs Heels: Wedding Shoes 4.5.21

Of all the major decisions you’ll make when planning your wedding, one very underrated choice is when deciding between flats and heels. There are a lot of things to consider from comfort to style to the setting of your wedding. Many think that it’s as simple as flats for comfort and heels for style, but […]

New Wedding Colors to Consider moroccan wedding color

New Wedding Colors to Consider in 2021 3.10.21

If we’ve done anything over quarantine, we’ve gotten more creative to squash our boredom. Whether it’s through home improvement, Instagram Reels or Tik Tok challenges, an online shopping addiction, tidying up our home with Marie Kondo, or picking up a new at-home hobby, we’ve had to find ways to entertain ourselves while music venues, movie […]

Planning Wedding Music For All Ages Couple dancing during their first dance song at a Colorado wedding near Boulder

Planning Wedding Music For All Ages! 3.7.21

When putting together your ideal wedding reception playlist you’re often trying to avoid songs that will make your conservative family members happy while also getting everyone dancing. This can be a real tightrope walk to balance those two goals! You certainly don’t want to bore your younger friends and family members but you have to […]

Complete Weddings + Events, Colorado Springs’ leading provider of event and wedding photography, videography, lighting, DJ services, silent disco, coordination, & photo booth rental.

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