Our event and wedding videographers capture unique stories of couples through high-quality wedding films. With a blend of cinematic storytelling and high-definition visuals, our team creates wedding films that preserve emotions, details, and memories for a lifetime. Talk with our team today and see why more brides have trusted us than any other wedding videographer in the Salt Lake City area.
Our approach to wedding video production focuses on authenticity, ensuring that every glance, every laugh, and every heartfelt vow is beautifully documented. With expert video editing and post-production, you’ll be able to cherish these moments forever in vivid, high-definition video.
The best wedding videography services are driven by a great event videographer. We recommend getting to know the work of a few videographers you are interested in, so you can make an informed decision. Think about what’s important to you:
Beyond technical expertise, professionalism is key. Complete Weddings + Events team of videographers works discreetly, capturing genuine emotions without disrupting the flow of your celebration. We’ll make sure every significant moment is preserved while allowing you to fully enjoy your wedding day.
These are the things that will tell you if you have found the videographer for you. Another trait that sets great videographers in Salt Lake City apart is their attentiveness. Do they notice the details both big and small? Are they aware of you and what your needs are while filming? You should find a videographer who can do this without thinking.
Finally, the right Salt Lake City videography professional is just that — a professional. They should know how to smoothly and discreetly get the best shots of your big day while maneuvering around vendors, without disrupting the guest experience.
They should be timely, friendly, approachable, and open to feedback. While this list may feel long, knowing you’ve selected the right person to cover your event will be worth it.
At Complete Weddings + Events Salt Lake City, we aim to deliver a service that exceeds your expectations from the moment we connect. Our talented team of videographers is ready to work with you and give you the best possible event experience so you walk away with a video you love. We understand how important it is to preserve your memories, and our goal is to provide you with a final product that truly reflects your unique love story. Whether you’re planning a small intimate gathering or a grand celebration, we are here to make sure your memories are preserved in stunning HD video. Here are a few key offerings we have available for your wedding day or your next event that needs videography:
Our highlight films showcase the best moments of your whole event. We focus on capturing the emotions, laughter, and love that make your special day unique, ensuring that no important moment is overlooked. With expert video editing, you’ll be able to relive the most special parts of your wedding day through beautiful, cinematic footage.
From funny jokes to tears of emotion, nothing quite matches the moments that come when your friends and family speak from their hearts. These special moments are the ones that can be easily forgotten in the bustle of the day. Our team ensures these moments aren’t lost and are preserved for you in high-quality video.
Looking to elevate your wedding video with breathtaking views? Add aerial drone footage to your Salt Lake City wedding videography package. Our videography team uses the latest drone technology to give you a unique, bird’s eye view of your event, adding a spectacular angle to your wedding video.
For couples who want multiple angles and extensive coverage, adding a second wedding videographer ensures no important moment is missed. More angles mean more footage to capture your day in full.
Complete Weddings + Events is here to make planning and building the perfect wedding video package for Salt Lake City event videography easy. We work through all of the details and customize a package to capture exactly what you’re looking for.
Once your videography package is complete, you can immediately begin filling out your online planner which outlines your day’s timeline and details, or you can add in these details as they become official during your wedding planning process.
A final meeting with your videographer about a month before your big day will help your day’s vision come to life for your videographer. All final details are locked in, and all your video wants can be checked off so the videographer can capture the best footage for your final wedding video.
We want to provide you with a stunning event video that keeps your memories alive in beautiful HD video, so we believe no wedding planning detail is too small!
To ensure a cohesive experience, we also offer combined photos and video packages. Our videographers will work closely with your photographer on the big day to ensure all the filming is completed efficiently, and your cinematography team doesn’t have to pose you and your wedding party twice to capture the same moment.
Your videographer is in your corner; they’ll be able to help you with anything you might need (even outside their videographer duties – things happen!), and they are there to make sure the day is as enjoyable and simple as possible!
Our team at Complete Weddings + Events is here to help with the rest of your event, too — contact us to learn about our other event planning offerings (photography, DJ, & photo booth rental) and get started today.
“The videographer (Cassandra) was absolutely AMAZING!! She was professional and knew what shots she needed to get and worked SOOOO well with our photographer! She was such a blast to work with, she was always right where she needed to be, made sure to capture all of the pieces we wanted as well as some we hadn’t even thought of. She paid attention to details, and made sure we were looking our best for pictures that were being taken. We loved working with her.” – Kelliann F.
“We loved that we had multiple services through one company! We used the videographer, photo booth, and the DJ. All three were awesome! They were respectful, personable, fun and made sure we were taken care of. The operator of the photo booth came to grab us to get a photo before he took it down since we were caught up in the whirlwind of the wedding and forgot to go over. The videographer took time to get special shots in order to make sure we had a beautiful video. The DJ kept us on the schedule we wanted and taught us some fun line dances! Would definitely recommend Complete. 10 out of 10!” – Jessica K.
“Such an AMAZING STELLAR COMPANY! The owner Cornell, is soooo easy to work with and will do anything for you to make your day magical!! From the photobooth, to the DJ, to the photographer and videographer, everything went perfectly perfect!! Such an amazing group of people. All so kind. Thank you for making our wedding day one to remember forever. People keep complementing us on how it all was! Thanks again!!” – Ashley C.
At Complete Weddings + Events, we are committed to providing exceptional event and wedding videography services in Salt Lake City, UT, and nearby areas including:
"The videographer was a joy to have, and very sweet. She was always there to capture the moment, every time I looked up wondering if she had caught that, she did."
- Amanda J.
Complete Weddings + Events, Salt Lake City’s leading provider of event and wedding photography, videography, lighting, coordination, DJ services & photo booth rental.