Complete Weddings + Events Photography & Videography

Complete weddings + events understands the importance of giving you awesome pictures and video when you’re finally married and all is said and done. We know that these products are often times some of the most important things to many couples getting married. These two products are both something you will view and enjoy over and over again for the rest of your lives. So, you’re going to want them to be quality products.
Booking Complete photography means that no matter what you’ll have an amazing photographer at your wedding as we make sure that every Complete photographer is experienced and well deserved of being your wedding photographer. Plus, you’re going to be able to personally pick out which photographer you want out of all of our professionals. We make sure that the photographer you pick fits everything you’ve been looking for in wedding photography.
Videography works in exactly the same way. We have many talented videographers with different personalities and there is no doubt you’ll be able to find one that’s perfect for your wedding! However, a good videographer is nothing without good post-production. At Complete, we have an enormous staff of editors that make sure that your video looks as crisp and clear as possible. It’s very important to us to make sure that your video looks awesome to you! After all, you’ll be watching this video for the rest of your life!
Our wedding photography and videography services also provide you with piece of mind. Knowing that we’ve got many wedding photographers and videographers allows us to avoid the disastrous possibility of a photographer or videographer for some reason being unable to work your wedding. Trust me, things happen and couples are left out to dry from time to time with other companies. However, with Complete you’ll never once have to worry about your wedding photos or videos being taken by your aunt with a smartphone since the professional that you paid money to had an emergency come up. With Complete, we always have professional back up just in case anything is to happen.
There are also many ways you can take full advantage of our wedding photography and videography! We offer awesome packages that include things like canvas or metal portraits, unique wedding videos, and many other ways to enjoy your photos and videos. By choosing these options you’re guaranteed to get the most out of your wedding photos and videos.
We believe we’ve assembled a team of Omaha videographers and photographers that far surpass any other in the Omaha area. To see some videos and photos taken by any one of our photographers and videographers click here!