Jacksonville, FL
In This Fight Together

In This Fight Together – Project Live


Our team here at Complete Weddings & Events Jacksonville has been busy trying to help the community and we urge other local companies to try and do the same. We wanted to give back to the amazing community of Jacksonville and North Florida so we have partnered up with Project Live in conjunction with local churches to help our front line hero’s who are fighting every day to try and save as many lives as they can.


We have been busy collecting items and making masks with some amazing locals who wanted to help out.

Here are a few photos during our process so far… It is amazing to see how fast a community can come together in a time of need such as now..

(Kathy & Scott delivering materials to our sewing ladies for Project Live)

(85 masks ready to go thanks to all the help from Kathy and Frances)

(Frances taking time from her finals to deliver masks to Stephanie, Orange Park hospital)

*A huge shout out to a few more of the professional sewers – Kathy, Naomi Sontag & Lois. You all are amazing and we Thank You for your hard work.


(Stephanie with the finished product on at work)

(Some photos from the amazing St. Vincent’s Riverside ICU and ER wearing the masks at work.. We cannot thank you all enough for what you do every single day, it just proves that not all hero’s wear capes, they wear masks as well!)


The biggest things we can do to help fight this virus together and STOP the spread is to stay home and wash your hands! We all remember the famous childhood book Dick and Jane right? “See Spot run. Run Spot run!” well…

“Jane wants to be safe. Jane washes her hands. Jane wears a mask. Be like Jane!”



If you would like to help out we are asking for donations of 100% cotton fabric, elastic bands, protective wear glasses and helmets of any kind, especially if they have a face mask. Sewers in our community will be constructing hospital masks. Everything will be donated to local hospitals in our area.


If you have a donation, a driver can be scheduled to pick it up. Thanks in advance for your generosity! Kathy & Scott – Owners

Text us to schedule a pickup and we will get back to you soon! Please share with friends and family as well as neighbors so we can grab as much as possible on each pickup.

1-904-392-9030 or Kathy – Cell 904-803-3736


*One more shout out to the following for all the hard work during this time to make this happen

  • Orange Park Medical Center
  • Kirkwood Presbyterian Congregation
  • An Assisted living center
  • Clara White Mission
  • Baptist South Covid Center
  • Crafting with a Purpose  – Naomi Sontag
  • All of our other amazing professional sewers
  • St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church
  • To everyone who has donated materials to make this happen!


#togetherwecandothis #ProjectLive #loveourmedicalcommunity #jacksonvillefl #keepthemsafe #weloveRNs #covidfree #loveourneighborslikeourselves #trueheros #orangeparkmedicalcenter #kirkwoodpresbyterian #clarawhitemission #sewing

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