Greenville, SC

Wedding Videographer Greenville SC

Event and Wedding Videographers in Greenville, SC

Videography uses the art of visual storytelling to translate memorable events into special artifacts that you can return to again and again. When searching for Greenville SC video production for your next event, consider letting our event videographers capture your day in stunning cinematic HD video. Talk with our team to see why more brides and grooms have trusted us than any other wedding videographer in the Greenville, South Carolina area.

We take pride in our artistic storytelling skills and ability to capture the emotion of once-in-a-lifetime moments you’ll be able to cherish forever in vivid, high-definition video.

Event and Wedding Videography Greenville, SC

We aim to deliver a service that exceeds your expectations from the first moment we connect. Our event and wedding videographers in Greenville, SC are ready to work with you and give you the best possible event experience so you walk away with a video you love. With a focus on capturing the essence of your day, we offer several videography options tailored to your needs:

Highlight Film Footage

We create a seamless, cinematic highlight film that showcases the most memorable moments of your event. From the grand entrance to candid smiles and heartfelt interactions, every detail is thoughtfully captured and artfully edited to create a reel you’ll cherish forever.

Vows and Toast Footage

Preserve the heartfelt words shared during vows, speeches, and toasts with stunning clarity. Whether it’s a touching tribute or a humorous story, we ensure that these powerful moments are recorded in perfect quality, allowing you to relive the emotions of your special day.

Aerial Drone Footage

Take your wedding or event video to the next level with breathtaking drone footage. Our team expertly operates drones to capture scenic aerial views of your venue and surroundings, adding a dramatic and unique perspective that will leave you and your viewers in awe.

Optional Second Videographer

Enhance the coverage of your event by adding a second videographer. This allows us to capture multiple angles simultaneously, ensuring that no moment—big or small—is missed. From different perspectives of your ceremony to behind-the-scenes moments, you’ll have a more dynamic and comprehensive video.

At Complete Weddings + Events, we make planning and building the perfect videography package easy. We work through all of the details and customize a package to capture exactly what you’re looking for.

Why Choose Complete Weddings + Events?

At Complete Weddings + Events, we have extensive experience filming events and weddings in Greenville, SC, and beyond. We recognize that wedding videography is often underestimated, yet it is a service that many couples regret not having.

Our professional videographers will not overlook a single moment of your event or wedding. We capture all the special moments, providing you with a high-quality video memento that you will treasure for years to come. You can rely on us to safeguard your memories and produce an unforgettable video that encapsulates the essence of your special day. With our team of wedding videographers, you can be confident that your memories are in capable hands.

Videography for All Types of Events

With a focus on capturing the essence of your day, we offer several videography options tailored to your needs:


Your wedding day is filled with unforgettable moments, from the emotional exchange of vows to the lively celebration with loved ones. Our Greenville wedding videographers focus on every detail to create a film that reflects the beauty, joy, and significance of your special day. With options like drone footage and cinematic editing, your wedding video will stand out as a timeless treasure.

Private Parties

Capture the energy and excitement of private parties with professional videography tailored to your event. Whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, or family reunion, our team ensures every laugh, dance, and heartfelt moment is documented in stunning detail. These films allow you to relive the fun for years to come.

Corporate Events

Corporate events deserve polished and professional coverage. From keynote speeches to networking sessions, our videographers create compelling videos that showcase the highlights of your event. Perfect for marketing, internal communications, or keepsakes, our corporate videography captures the essence of your brand’s big day.

Bat and Bar Mitzvahs

Celebrate these important milestones with a video that honors tradition while capturing the joy of the occasion. From ceremonial moments to lively celebrations, we ensure every detail is thoughtfully filmed and artfully edited to create a lasting memento of this special day.

Greenville Videography Packages

At Complete Weddings + Events Greenville, we simplify the process of planning and creating the ideal wedding videography and photography package. We handle all the details and tailor a package to capture precisely what you desire.

Our videographers will collaborate closely with your photographer on the big day to ensure all filming is done efficiently, so you and your wedding party do not have to repeat poses to capture the same moment.

Your Complete Weddings + Events videographer is your ally; they will assist you with anything you may require (even beyond their videographer responsibilities – unforeseen events occur!), and they are present to ensure the day is as pleasant and stress-free as possible!

Complete Weddings + Events Greenville

For the rest of your event, Complete Weddings + Events is here to help, too — contact us to learn about our other event planning offerings and vendors – DJ, Photographers, Photo Booth Rentals, Coordinators – and get started today.


“Was very satisfied with the DJ, Videographer, and Photo Booth for our wedding. Everyone was so nice and made our day even more special. DJ.Netta kept the party going and even got on the dance floor and danced with us. The Photo Booth was also a big hit with our guest. Chris the Videographer also did such an amazing job capturing our day. 10/10 would recommend.” – Kaelan M. 

“I could not be happier with my staff for my wedding. They were amazing from beginning to end. Dominique, Jennifer, and Patricia were fantastic, so patient, so friendly, they were just like family. I loved the professionalism, attentiveness, and just over all support they had for us. I highly recommend them for all your photo or video needs. Truly great people.” – Fabricio C. 

Areas We Serve – Find a Videographer Near You

At Complete Weddings + Events, we are committed to providing exceptional event and wedding videography services in Greenville, SC, and nearby areas including:

  • Charlotte, NC
  • Rock Hill, SC
  • Anderson, SC
  • Greer, SC
  • Greenwood, SC
  • Mauldin, SC
  • Simpsonville, SC
  • Easley, SC
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"The videographer was a joy to have, and very sweet. She was always there to capture the moment, every time I looked up wondering if she had caught that, she did."

- Amanda J.

Complete Weddings + Events Greenville, Spartanburg, and all of the Upstate is a leading provider of event and wedding photography, videography, lighting, day-of coordinationDJ services & photo booth rental.

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