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🥊 Bride Throws Down at Her Wedding 🥊


They claim that one of the defendant’s servers tried to punch the plaintiff’s sister and a fight broke out. They are suing for a refund. The defendant says the plaintiffs were the worst-behaved people she’d ever seen.

She alleges the plaintiff’s sister yelled at her server and threw a plate of food at her. She’s countersuing for breach of contract. Unless one of these litigants pisses off Judge Mathis, then it’s going to come down to the evidence that he is going to rule over with that being said and knowing that I am not a lawyer and that this is not legal advice.

Bride Throws Down at Her Wedding

My Prediction

I am going to give my prediction and say that the plaintiff is not going to get a refund and the defendant is not going to get their countersuit. And the reason why I say this is because from all the information that I have here, it looks like that the defendant provided the service.

So you can’t get a refund for services not rendered if they rendered the services and on the defendant side, the ones who own the venue, the ones who are countersuing, they’re countersuing for breach of contract.

I’ve never had a contract that said there’s no fighting. We do have in our contracts a stipulation for damage to equipment by the client or the attendees, for instance, their friends or family that attended.

If their client decides to, you know, take a hammer to a speaker, right? So then they are liable for that. If one of their friends and family decides to, I don’t know, take a glass of water and pour it in one of our speakers, well, they are liable.

for the damages, even though the bride and groom aren’t the ones that caused it, they invited their friend and their friend is the one that poured the water in there and caused the damage. So we need to be made hold by the client, the bride and groom, and then the bride and groom, they can always go after their friend for doing that.

But the reason for this is because if it wasn’t for them inviting us, we wouldn’t have damaged speakers. All that being said, I am going to say that Judge Mathis does not award money to either side.

It’s going to be a straight-up wash. Before we see if my prediction is correct, do me a favor and hit that subscribe button so that way you get notified when my new videos come out. I don’t want you to miss anything.

And then also stick to the end of this video because I will give you one tip that’s going to help you remain or try to remain stress-free when planning your wedding. All right. So now let’s go ahead and check out this video.

I want to see some fighting going on. I want to see how Judge Mathis handles this shit. Get out of here! And they claim the defendant and her negligent servers ruined the night. Shirley claims after one of the defendant’s servers tried to punch her sister, a fight broke out and they left.

So they put their money back. Well, first it’s a $2,500 venue is what it looks like. That’s not that expensive to rent a venue. I’m in South Florida. Looks like they’re in Illinois and I’ve been to Chicago and wedding venues are not cheap.

So to get a $2,500 venue is a very good find on you. So good job. Defended Joyce Lynn Hunter says in all her years of being in this business. She’s never come any years. Ooh, wow. Listen, side eyes.

She hit him with the side eye. Come on, people. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. I’m pissed off because she’s a connoisseur for $205. Well, I guess I mean if you charge $2,500 for the venue, I guess you’re suing for 10%.

So I guess it’s not as bad, but it’s only $205. Why are we even here, man? Go away to the argument by yelling at her server and throwing a plate of food at her and she’s countersuing for breach of contract.

How are you counter-suing for breach of contract when it’s $200? If you have a staff member who is so unhinged that they decide to fight, then you probably need to get rid of that staff member. They shouldn’t be there.

They are a liability. If that staff member had connected to her sister, then you would, you would be sued for whatever damages that that staff member did. did to the sister, punch her in the face, and break her jaw.

You got to pay for the job plus pain and suffering and all this other stuff. So according to what was said, they threw a plate at them. So I get them being upset. I would be upset too. You need to roll.

You need to get out of the building and actually, I would just pull all the staff. If you throw a plate at my staff, we’re all leaving. We’re going to go ahead and have everyone exit the building. And if you can’t exit expeditiously, then there are some people that you can call to escort them out.

Okay. On the day of August, um, April 20th, we know what the exception at. Ooh, what’s your wig? This is Hunter. Why is there a wig there? Place of business. We were, um, contracted her out on the day that we got to the place.

Come on bro, spit it out with your leather jacket, the place. And both eyes were on point though, where anything wasn’t ready. So we sat down. And, um, we began to, um, be introduced upon the service coming out to begin to serve.

Um, they started slowing down. When it came out, they were bringing out one plate and two plates at a time. We had about like 150 guests. Okay. So what’s the problem? Started serving these contracts say in terms of servers, right?

There you go. Three services. How many did they have? About five. Oh, imagine that they were supposed to have three. They brought five. Sounds good so far. So they had more more than you need. Yes. And what’s your complaint?

Yeah, they weren’t serving the people. They were coming out with one plate at a time to serve about a hundred people, a hundred of our guests, but you only needed three, 400, right? Exactly. They were in the kitchen talking to me when I was going back there to see what was taking them so long to serve.

And so we got this, this is what we do. We just served over 200 people last night. And I told him, I said, well, I’m not concerned about last night. I’m only concerned about today. Okay. I agree. That’s that’s understandable.

Cause I talked to Ms. Hunter about it. She said I want to know what time do you believe all the food arrived on the table? They never finished serving everyone. All of our guests and guests are willing to have about 30 people that got served because before everyone could get served, her server got into an altercation with my sister’s food.

Where’s your sister?

I have food on my dress. Where’s your sister? Where’s your sister? So how did they alter? Where’s the server? Um, we kept going to them, asking what’s going on with, you know, why is it taking so long? They didn’t serve the bridal party. I had little kids going to them, asking what was going on. And then what? I want to hear about all the cases. They were cusses out. Really? They would cut you out.

Okay. How did the altercation occur? Well, after they weren’t serving our guests, me and my bridesmaids decided that we’d just serve our food to ourselves. They started arguing, talking about this is what we do. Ms. Joyce keeps making excuses that, Oh, they’re tired. They asked you to leave. No. From their kitchen. No. Really? So how did the fight ensue? Yeah, there we go. After you come back to their kitchen.

My sister went to the back to see if she could help. The server swung a chair or pushed a chair at her. Oh, please. Right. Just out of the blue. Out of the blue. The words got, I wasn’t in the back. Words were passed. Okay, so why are you here? I don’t. I don’t. All we do know is your sister went back there. Where the people were served. Working. Then what? In the kitchen. Okay, they were back there arguing.

When I heard the commotion going on, I went back and said, what’s going on? Her sister said she swung at me. By then, Ms. Hunter came out and said, it’s food everywhere. I don’t know why she would do that. I said, what happened? She said, she swung at me and I hit the plate out of her hand and that’s when the food went up in there. I’m giving away a free wedding DJ worksheet. It’s practically guaranteed that you’re going to have a flawless wedding reception.

All you do is fill it out. Give it to the DJ. Boom, you’re done. Click the link below and I’ll get it right out there to you. I said, you know what? this is shut down because I’m not pleased with the way that they’re sir.

Really? Okay. We shut down. People are bringing coming out with plates, but they’re coming out with one plate at a time. We have guests that are leaving. How is it shut down? What are you doing? They’re not being fed.

They were bringing out. I have so many questions. Phone or anything. And I was actually, I said, well, how are you going to bring out the salad? And they don’t have a fork and spoon. They said, the way that we do this is we bring out the salad first and then we bring out the food later with our fork and spool.

I said, what are they supposed to do? That’s weird. I said, what are they supposed to do with the salad? Just look at it. She’s like, well, this is the way we do. That’s not true. I’ve been in this business since 2006 and I have never seen such behavior as they displayed.

Let’s hear it. Come on. They did not arrive till 7 0 5. They rented the place at 6:15. Their guests arrived at 6:30 at 7 0 5. When they came in, I started taking pictures. I have proof here. I took pictures of them. What does that matter? When I was there and I asked them at 7:30, I asked myself, Shirley, would you like to have your food? She said, yes. I immediately went to my service. They started to serve the food after everybody had eaten.

Exactly. Thank you. Everyone had eaten. Mr. Harold came over to me and said, we’re not, uh, pleased with how the service served the food. I said, but everybody’s eating. You’ve got your food. The guests have gotten their food.

Everybody’s eating. What’s the difference? Why is it? Why is there a discrepancy? Okay. And they were on, on the floor plan. That’s the reason why they were served last. That’s a little weird that the two stories aren’t meshing up.

That didn’t make any sense

What about this fight in the back? Your honor. She jumped up from the table, started screaming at my server, the witnesses here, and told her, you feed my children right now. And they’re like, she’s like, your kid’s food is coming out. It’s only five kids left to eat. And then he jumped up and ran back there. All of his people ran to the back to go back to the sea. I said, Ms.

Shirley and Mr. So Harold, I need to talk to you because this is ridiculous. At that point, her sister walked up. She was coming back inside the door. I was standing between where the room was and the door. And her sister, she walked up and she said, I just need to get my purse and my coat. And when she said that, her sister, Ms. Shirley’s sister said, I don’t like you anyway, call the writer’s name. And she took the plate and threw it at my server.

And when she threw the plate, it hit my wig. That’s why the wig’s there. That’s why the wig. That’s why the wig’s there. Your wig. Let’s see your wig. Oh, I’ve never seen her bring it here. This is proof that there’s food.

I cleaned it off. Why did you bring the wig here? I told you, man, he’s about to get ready. Both of you get out of my courtroom. They threw the spaghetti on my wig. That’s it. That’s it. Where’s the proof?

Oh, I cleaned it off. Did you clean the dress too? No, I did not. Uh -oh, the Monica Lewinsky dress. You have proof of your dress from where? Because there was food everywhere. In the back? Yeah. Are you wearing the back?

I wasn’t in the back. When I went to the back, I thought I was sitting there. You told me you weren’t. You told me you weren’t there. You’ve purged it yourself. On both occasions, I’ve been through work. Have a good day. Thank you. Thank you. All I want to say is I wanted the truth to come out that they took life from the beginning. I gave them a wedding for $350. Nowhere in the city, you can get a wedding for that. Is there $2,500? Liquor. She’s selling liquor. I’m not selling anything. I have a license. You said I did not. So I did not. Yeah, not happy. If you lose your case, do you know what you can do? You can tell all of their secrets on national TV.

She’s selling liquor. And she didn’t have a liquor license. She’s running a brothel in the back. She’s doing all the dude. You lost your case. I said it. My prediction was in my head. And I said I know what’s going to happen.

You look at my prediction and I’m saying, I know what’s going to happen. I know what’s going to happen. I know what’s going to happen. Both cases are dismissed. If you’re ratchet on your wedding day, you’re going to be ratchet in court. And guess what? We had a little ratchetness going on. So both of y ‘all had to get the fuck out of there. Sorry. I knew it was going to happen off-rip because of the way that everything read there. Judge Mathis dismissed the plaintiff’s case because of perjury.

Sometimes he gets a little bit trigger-happy, asks the questions, and then they respond and they don’t understand the answer. And then he asked them a similar question and they gave an opposite answer or answer that wasn’t the same as the first. And they answer differently and he gets mad. He said, you lied to me, but I didn’t lie. I didn’t understand what you were saying. So I’ve noticed that a couple of times. But on this one, it was just time for both of them to go.

My tip for help. helping you plan a stress-free wedding or as stress-free as possible. This tip is going to help you immensely. Are you ready? Are you ready? If you have any bad feelings about a vendor, if you are worried that this vendor is lying to you, if you feel that this vendor is not who they say they are, don’t hire them.

Do not sign a contract. Do not worry about the discounts that they’re going to be providing to you. Do not allow them to take your peace of mind away from you. We have clients that had a bad feeling about this. It’s unfortunate. I would love to be able to provide the services for them. I think that we are amazing, but they didn’t like something. They didn’t like my reaction videos. They didn’t like something in our contract.

They don’t like our cancellation policy, so they feel that this is something that’s going to stress them. So they decide to go in another direction. That may mean that they’re going to pay less. That may mean that they’re going to pay more, but the one thing that they will have is peace of mind.

It’s going to be less stressful for them when they don’t wake up in a panic like, oh my god, is my DJ going to show up? I’d rather be stress-free and pay a couple more dollars than wake up in cold sweats and save 50 or 75 dollars.

That’s just my personal take on it. That is the advice that I am going to give to you. Please heed this advice and understand that we would love to work with you. I think we are an amazing company, but if you feel that we are not the company for you, if you feel that there is something that is making you uneasy, then do not hire us because I don’t want you to be uneasy.

If you feel another vendor is going to give you more stress than you want on your wedding day, then don’t hire that vendor. Be stress-free. Instead of saving money, save your sanity. All right, so that is my tip for the day.

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Author: Damon Russell

Complete Weddings + Events, Fort Lauderdale’s leading provider of event and wedding photography, DJ services, videography, lighting  & coordination services

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