So truer expression of love than a fancy wedding. Or at least that’s what I and my peers have convinced you for financial reasons that will soon become clear if they aren’t already. I got to stop right there.
It seems like he is a person that’s in the wedding industry and saying that the media or vendors in general have tricked you into believing that you have to spend a lot of money on a wedding. That’s not necessarily true.
Marriage is a Scam
Weddings are expensive
It’s not because we’ve tricked you. It’s because they are very expensive. The cost of living increases. The cost of being able to provide these services are expensive. So it’s not just because hey, we tricked you.
Sorry, are we paying for this time? Long ago, marriage was strategic. A way to legally bind two families. Okay, that’s true. To increase one family’s land holdings. Today, very few issues can be settled by robbing your children of their right to choose a lover.
However, people like me still wanted to make money. Who is he? Who is this guy? You should legally bind yourself to the person with whom you most enjoy having sex. Whoa! Didn’t see that coming. Can you really put a price on love?
Yes. Love costs, on average, $31 ,500. Weddings, at the time of this video, cost, on average, $31 ,000. He is correct in that, but it’s not love. It is the cost of a wedding, just in general. Yeah, same question.
I told you we shouldn’t have given a kosher option. Ah, save the poo balls. Is this a wedding or an informative short? We honestly don’t know. Congratulations. You’ve met the love of your life. What better way to celebrate than by spending several paychecks on a party for so many friends?
I just got to pause right there. I challenge you, and this is frustrating because the wedding industry gets a bad rap with this. But I want to challenge somebody. Go out there into the world, into the real world.
And I want to challenge you to get a full cake that would feed 100 people and pay $4 for that cake. That’s number one. Number two, it’s not, oh, it’s a wedding. So I’m going to add a 10 ,000% markup on this wedding cake.
That’s not what happens. Most other events, all other events, if you think about it, it’s a backyard party or even a birthday. How much interaction are you going to have with that person? What kind of event is it?
It’s a birthday. What do you want on the cake? I want an Elmo. Okay. How many people? 12, 15 people. Okay. No problem. Here’s your cake. And then the interaction is typically done until maybe a couple of days before the birthday party or the day of the birthday party.
Hey, I’m ready to deliver your cake. Where do you want it to go to? Done. Right? But with the wedding, there’s a lot more that goes into that. How many birthday parties or backyard parties or anything like that?
Have you ever had to have a tasting for it? I want this Elmo cake, but let me taste it and make sure it’s the Elmo cake that I want. No, you just order the cake and pick up the cake. Right? And that’s the other thing.
You’re picking up the cake. Typically, you pick up a birthday cake. You don’t have a birthday cake delivered. You pick up a backyard party cake. You don’t have a backyard party cake delivered. Wedding cakes are almost always delivered.
So that goes into that cost. The other thing I was going to say about this is that interaction that I mentioned before is totally different for a wedding. You have the initial consultation and then you have the follow up.
Wedding Cakes are a Scam
Well, I met this other cake person and this other cake person was doing this. Can you match with this other person is doing because I like you, but I also like this additional item they were going to do for me.
So if you could do that for me, then I’ll go ahead and hire you as my cake person. And you’re like, okay, fine. I’ll do that other thing. Okay, great. And then follow up number three and follow up number four and follow up number five.
And then finally you come to an understanding and they decide to utilize your cake. And then you have another consultation with them. Okay. Well, let’s go ahead and go over the type of icing that you want.
Okay. If they’re going to be fondant, it’s going to be butter. cream is it going to be cheese cream or whatever the creams are with the cake alright and then you have another consultation and typically you have another consultation and then you have the week of consultation so that’s a lot of consultations for a $4 cake right so wedding cakes in this example will be more expensive but not just because you say the word wedding so I just wanted to throw that out there because it frustrates me when I hear this and people don’t understand the logic behind it or the rationale friends family members and people you don’t know but who your parents insisted you invite that you never speak with any of them for longer than 15 seconds society has agreed that it would be awkward if those in love didn’t host a crippling okay so now we have what he’s showing here where it says average cost of your friend who takes pictures a muffin and or high -five well I think if you have Your friend take pictures in what is one of the most important days of your life And you give them a high -five and or a muffin then you you are a friend There is no way there is so much work that goes into Taking wedding photos and all you’re going to give them is a high -five good job high -five.
That’s it. Here’s a muffin That’s it cheap ass bass. That’s number one. Number two. Let’s look at these two people here Would you at your black tie wedding allow your friend who you’re going to give a high -five to?
Would you allow them to show up at your wedding in jeans and flip -flops? But you’re paying them a high -five. You’re not really paying them. You’re just giving them a high -five to do the wedding So what’s the problem?
Well, the problem is that they don’t fit the role the look the Aesthetic of a wedding so you’re paying for this person to show up in jeans and flip -flops So yeah, here’s a high -five done and even then you still give them the side -eye Let’s go with the average cost of a wedding photographer Well, I don’t think that’s really a professional camera I probably wouldn’t say that they should use that but most wedding photographers.
Let’s look at that Actually, let’s pull this graphic up because I want to make sure this is really really clear really specific before I continue on and Prove my point. I want to give a big shout out to Mary me Tampa Bay Your website is exactly what I was looking for to help me prove my point that the cost that you are Figuring for a wedding are really not as inflated as you might think they are.
So let’s take a look and see what I mean on average wedding photographers in Tampa Bay, by the way spent twenty six thousand three hundred and seventy six dollars on Equipment to be able to take the gorgeous pictures that they deliver to you And then it goes on to talk about the amount of hours spent on your wedding.
Most people figure that a wedding will say 10 hours. We’ll just use an easy math 10 hours of wedding photography. And so I’m paying whatever, let’s say $3 ,000. I’m paying $3 ,000 for 10 hours of photography.
That is a lot of money. And I don’t think I should be paying that much for wedding photography. I should just have my friend with the flip -flops do it because you figure, wow, that’s $300 an hour. That’s more than attorneys get paid, right?
But let’s take a look at some of the estimates here. This is all estimates and it’s from Marry Me Tampa Bay. I don’t dispute the amount of time that they’re saying there. They might be off by a little bit, but not by much.
The amount of time spent on sales to have you as a client for hours. The amount of time on admin for making sure that we’re on the same page, that we know the locations, that we get the list for the group formals.
All of these details. Five hours, estimated. Preparation before the wedding, making sure that your batteries are charged and your camera lenses are correct and everything that you need to have is ready to go.
DJs are a Scam
That’s another four hours. And then the day of the wedding. Again, I used an average number of 10 hours. So we have 10 hours, but we also have travel time. We are located in Hollywood, Florida. And if we have an event in West Palm Beach, that’s gonna take us at least an hour to get there, an hour to get to the venue, do the photos.
And then once we’re done with the event, an hour to get back, that’s two hours. So instead of being 10 hours, it’s 12 hours, 12 estimated hours. And then post -production, average time, 40 hours. Post -production would be where we’re touching up the photos to make sure that it’s beautiful.
Just to be clear, you’re gorgeous. Your spouse is gorgeous. We’re gonna take great pictures of you, your spouse, your family members the entire day. But then we go into post -production and we make sure that they are flawless photos.
We’re gonna make sure they’re the correct brightness and the correct white balance and color temperature and all that stuff. It’s similar to you, as I mentioned before, are gorgeous, you’re a gorgeous person, but you wear makeup.
It’s the same concept. We are taking your photos, taking a gorgeous base and making it even better. That’s the reason why we have post -production. And that’s the reason why it takes 40 hours. So if we do the math, 40 hours for post -production, 10 hours for the wedding.
We’re not gonna include that travel right now. Let’s just pretend it was right next door. So that’s 50 hours. And then an estimated of four hours for preparation. So now we’re at 54 hours and then an estimated admin time of five hours.
So now we’re at 59 hours. And then another four hours for sales. And now we’re at 63 hours. 63 hours divided by, let’s just do that. average of 3 ,000. And we come up with $47 an hour, not the $300 an hour that you were thinking of for a 10 hour wedding, because there’s so much more that goes into it.
And let’s also not forget that this photographer spent $26 ,000 on equipment on average. And I didn’t mention this, but this photographer typically upgrades consistently. So it’s not a one -off purchase.
You buy a camera, you buy a lens, you buy another lens, you upgrade your camera body, you upgrade your batteries, you get a battery grip, you get a tripod, you get a different tripod, you get some extra lights, you get all of these other items.
So it does add to that $26 ,000 that I initially said. I know I went way off on the deep end here, and I apologize, but I just wanted to make sure that it was clear because the way that he’s describing it here is just very frustrating.
And I understand that it’s more parody, but people believe this. And I want to make sure that you understand why I don’t agree with what he’s saying now. Let’s finish this video up. Let’s see if I can get through it without having to pause.
Oh my God, please tell me that’s not the DJ. I didn’t even get that far yet. Please please please tell me that’s not the DJ. I see drinks on the table. So I’m hoping that’s not the DJ. I can see this little ball of light thing here example.
You’re going to want music at your reception or everyone will be mad. And even though an iPod plugged into a speaker would be fine. Shut up. Shut your **** mouth. That is bull****. An iPod plugged into a speaker is not fine.
Yes, there are **** DJ’s out there. There are tons and tons of DJ’s that suck **** out there. But there are tons and tons of DJ’s that it is a full profession. This is what they do for a living. They know how to play number one, the right song.
You throw an iPod in. It might be the right song at the wrong time or the wrong song at the wrong time. But it’s on an iPod. It’s on shuffle. So you don’t know that. Just let it run. Who’s going to make the announcements the iPod or is it going to be cousin Billy who has never really talked on the microphone wants to tell all these dirty jokes in front of all your friends and family that you paid for this food and everything else for you know an iPod does not work.
Don’t let anybody tell you anything. Otherwise, that’s crazy. We’ve convinced you that you need to spend over a thousand dollars for a stranger to plug in his iPod instead. Yes, this dude here is a bozo.
He’s got his phone
I don’t even know how he’s playing music Bluetooth because he got his headphones and playing music out of somewhere won’t even know what’s going on. Yeah, he’s a bozo. Don’t pay a lot of money for him pay a lot of money for a professional that knows what they’re doing that can organize the entire event.
Make sure things run smoothly. It’s not just about playing music. Any monkey can play music this human DJ Chas. He doesn’t have a degree in anything and he’ll play that song that orders the listeners to get louder than softer than louder again and so on and so forth in that fashion.
If you fail to retain his services yours will be a cursed union. I think I’ve already said everything. that I needed to say about the DJ portion of it. If that’s the way you feel, honestly, if you feel that way about any of the vendors, then yeah.
Is your money spending how you want to spend it? But just understand what that outcome is gonna be. Yes, you can have an iPod, and yes, you might have a decent time with an iPod that’s on a playlist that we create because we got some awesome playlists.
But it’s not going to be the same as having someone there who knows how to organize the music. Tell your iPod to mix the two songs together. Tell the iPod that, oh, this person, they’re responding to disco.
So maybe another disco song will keep them on the dance floor longer, will get your grandmother out there who wasn’t dancing before. She heard two disco songs and wanted to get out there and dance. You’re able to see all these things as a DJ, as a professional, because you are trained to do this.
And by the way, you can get a degree. as a DJ, so don’t let this a** tell you anything different. Common wisdom states an engagement ring should cost roughly two months salary. I don’t know where that information came from or how much you should spend on an engagement ring, that is something that just kind of gets passed down from generation to generation, don’t know where it came from, but you show your a** up to a proposal with an engagement ring that is a sixteenth of a carat and see how quickly your bride -to -be becomes your not bride -to -be.
And let’s not forget about your maid of honor and best man. We don’t profit much on that one outside of charging them an outrageous amount to rent an outfit worn by dozens of people before. Really, we just thought forcing you into picking your favorite friend would be a funny way to add stress to your wedding day.
Well, let’s be clear on this. You’re paying for simplicity when it comes to bridesmaids gowns and groomsmen’s tuxedos because you don’t have to do anything but pick a color and a style and then tell that person to go get fitted for that color and style.
That’s it. You don’t have to say we’re going to go shopping together and we’re going to find pants that fit us all, then we’re going to find jackets that fit us all, and then they’re going to be the same material, the same cut and same design, and then we have to get best for each other that are the same material, same cut and same design and same color.
We have to do all these things together and this is going to take us five months to do so. Or you can go to a tuxedo shop and pick the style that you want and then tell all your friends to go to a tuxedo shop with the same name in their city and get fitted.
And then it’ll all be delivered to one spot. Doesn’t that sound convenient? You literally have to decide which of your friends is best. Even though this is only my fourth time talking in front of a group, I’m going to tell a wildly inappropriate story about the group.
Yeah, keep the inappropriate stories to a minimum, if not not. at all it’s intensely private but society is obligated me to reveal it on what is arguably the most important day of his life in front of people who really are gonna find it charming don’t forget everyone knows you’re going to have sex afterwards fine with it there’s no problem when anyone smiles at you at your wedding they’re thinking they’re going to she’s lived a long full life you think she doesn’t know what happens on your wedding night and therefore is probably at least briefly imagine the two of you the elderly.
Oh man. I’m Roger Horton and with the power vested in me by the internet I now pronounce you husband and wife. You pay me. Wow. That was a humorous take on what the mindset is of a lot of people for weddings and hopefully the information that I am giving to you is at least insightful as far as the reason why things cost the way they cost.
You may not agree with it and may want to find an alternative which is your prerogative. Again, this is your money. You spend it how you want to spend it. It’s not just because of the word wedding that something costs the way that it costs.
It’s because of everything that’s involved with the wedding. There’s no other event like a wedding where you have all of these extra steps that are involved. So it does cost time cost. So you have to pay for that time.
I’ve done a lot of talking. I hope you enjoyed this video. Hit the subscribe button. Get notified when I drop another video. My name is Damon with Complete Media. I appreciate you rocking with me.
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Complete Weddings + Events in Fort Lauderdale and South Florida Areas
If you’re planning a wedding in Fort Lauderdale, FL, then you’ve landed at the right place! Now that you’ve said YES! to spending your life together, you have some exciting decisions ahead. At Complete Weddings + Events planning, wedding events are what we do best. Complete Weddings + Events, Fort Lauderdale’s leading provider of event and wedding photography, videography, lighting & DJ services