New Orleans & Baton Rouge, LA

Wedding Videographers Baton Rouge

Event and Wedding Videographer in Baton Rouge, LA

Complete Wedding + Events videographers capture unique stories and film amazing weddings. As the trusted choice for countless couples in Baton Rouge and New Orleans, LA, we specialize in preserving your big day in stunning 4K UHD video. With years of experience, our professional wedding videographers in Baton Rouge deliver cinematic wedding films that couples cherish forever.

Our award-winning team has been selected by more brides than any other in the region, including New Orleans, Prairieville, and nearby cities. Wedding videography combines artistry and local expertise, allowing us to document emotional wedding moments in breathtaking detail.

Event and Wedding Videography Baton Rouge, LA

Our videography services ensure every detail of your special day is captured with creativity and care. Explore the options available for your custom event and wedding video production services in Baton Rouge and surrounding areas:

Highlight Film Footage

Our wedding videographers in Baton Rouge, LA focus on capturing the essence of your event by documenting every meaningful moment, from the pre-ceremony preparations to the final ceremony and reception. We preserve every detail, big and small, to create romantic wedding films that let you relive the best parts of your wedding day for years to come.

Vows and Toasts Footage

The most poignant and memorable moments of any event are often the heartfelt speeches and vows that come straight from the soul. These moments can easily slip away in the hustle and bustle of the big day, but we understand their significance and make sure to capture them with precision and care. Our professional videographers ensure that these priceless moments are never lost so that you can revisit them and cherish them forever.

Optional Aerial Drone Footage

Imagine seeing your event from a breathtaking new perspective, with a panoramic view from high up in the clouds. Our skilled videography team is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and ready to capture stunning aerial footage that will take your breath away. Let us provide you with a bird’s eye view of your special event that you will cherish for a lifetime.

Second Videographer

We believe that two videographers are better than one. After all, a single person can only be in one place at a time, but with two videographers, we can ensure that every important moment of your event is captured from multiple angles. You’ll never have to worry about missing a beat because our wedding videographers will be there to capture every moment, big or small. Trust us to provide unparalleled coverage and bring your unique love story to life in stunning detail.

Finding a Wedding Videographer in Baton Rouge for Your Big Day

Preserving the memories of your special day is a top priority. At Complete Weddings + Events, our talented Baton Rouge wedding videographers work seamlessly to capture every detail with unmatched creativity and precision.

We understand that fleeting moments are often the most significant. Our team remains fully present throughout your event, ready to document every emotion and special interaction. Hiring a wedding videographer adds depth to your wedding memories, allowing you to revisit moments that photography alone can’t always capture. Add videography to your wedding must-haves and enjoy reliving the highlights of your big day with a stunning wedding video. Our team ensures that your wedding is documented in a way that you’ll treasure forever.

Wedding Video Packages in Baton Rouge, LA

At Complete Weddings + Events Baton Rouge, our wedding videography packages are crafted to make your planning process seamless and stress-free. We offer fully customizable options to ensure we capture every important moment, preserving the magic of your big day for years to come.

Our videography packages include everything needed for breathtaking cinematic wedding films. Whether you’re looking for full-day coverage, highlight reels, or additional add-ons like drone footage or personalized edits, we’ll tailor the perfect package to match your vision and budget.

With a dedicated wedding videographer by your side, you’ll have a professional committed to capturing the essence of your wedding day while ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience. Let us handle the details so you can focus on celebrating with your friends and family and reliving your special moments through a beautifully crafted final product.

Complete Weddings + Events Baton Rouge

Choosing your video package is easy with up-front pricing and no hidden costs. Let’s connect so we can build you your custom event or wedding video package. For the rest of your event, we’re here to help too. Learn more about our services at Complete Weddings + Events Baton Rouge – photography, photo booth rental, lighting, coordination, and DJs.


“Complete was an absolute pleasure to work with for our 150 person New Orleans wedding. Matthew, our videographer, was beyond professional and was able to capture intimate and cherished moments with ease. He maneuvered the between multiple locations in downtown Nola during peak Christmas to get every shot and every moment with kindness and professionalism.” – Amanda R.

“Very helpful, easy to work with and communicate with! I can’t wait to get our wedding video back, I know they will do a great job!!!!” – Olivia L. 

“What a professional group! They went above and beyond! We can’t wait to see the video! The videographers were fantastic!” – Elliot E. 

Areas We Serve – Find a Videographer Near You

At Complete Weddings + Events, we are committed to providing exceptional event and wedding videography services in Baton Rouge, LA, and nearby areas including:

  • New Orleans, LA
  • Prairieville, LA
  • Hammond, LA
  • Central, LA
  • Shenandoah, LA
  • Zachary, LA
  • Gonzales, LA
  • and surrounding areas
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"The videographer was a joy to have, and very sweet. She was always there to capture the moment, every time I looked up wondering if she had caught that, she did."

- Amanda J.

Complete Weddings + Events, Baton Rouge and New Orleans’ leading provider of event and wedding photography, videography, lighting, coordination, DJ services, event rentalphoto booth rental.

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