Austin, TX
What Do You Do At A Wedding Rehearsal?

What Do You Do At A Wedding Rehearsal?


A wedding rehearsal is a full read-through ceremony as a mock to your entire wedding. Therefore, everything that is to happen at the ceremony will take place on the following day on your big occasion. Those in attendance will experience everything again. However, this ceremony is not for everyone, and you should try to do it with your partner, your officials, your wedding party, and anyone else who will be involved. Several things are essential to be done on this occasion, and it would be good if you knew them.

What Do You Do At A Wedding Rehearsal in Austin Texas?

Order the Procession

The procession will be an essential part of your big day, and you ought to give it a thought first. You may have witnessed several ways of doing it as there are diverse ways of doing it. However, all that matters is what you agree with your partner. First, you have to agree with your partner about the order of the procession. How are your wedding party going to organize themselves? Will your official’s process? Such questions should run your mind at this time, and you should be able to answer them and evaluate your options to see the right choice. After agreeing on all the parties that shall process, you will also have to decide how the procession will flow.

Set the Pace of the Walk

Some people can ruin the procession, which is a critical stage of your big event, by walking wrongly. However, there are no set patterns, and the fact that it depends on how the procession itself has been arranged and your wedding party’s size, a natural pace is best. Don’t underdo it by walking too slow or overdo it by rushing. Don’t ruin the photo by moving too fast or ruin the song chosen by going against the beats.

Make some Spacing Arrangements

Depending on the number of sets of people you will have processing, you will want to space them strategically to ensure that you get more from your music selection. Also, depending on the song’s size, you can place that processing so that all get to the front before the song ends. If you have fewer sets of people, you can increase the time between every set of groups and ensure that the time is well utilized through creativity, or otherwise, you will bore your audiences. However, all you have to note is that be creative and plan accordingly.

Organize Your Sitting Arrangements

During your day, you have to ensure that you know who is on your VIP list besides you and your partner. Some sets of people such as parents from both parties are significant people in your occasion and should be strategically placed in the sitting arrangement. Your wedding party also needs prime seating and also depending on your traditions, you can organize other people accordingly. This will make it easier on the following day for everyone to sit in their areas and avoid mixing up and confusions.

Practice as a Couple

Remember that the following day is your great day to plan and wait eagerly for it. Therefore, you can be overwhelmed and fail to deliver ass you expected. The bested way to ensure that you and your partner will farewell the next day is by practicing everything on your wedding rehearsal. This is the time to build your confidence. It might look easy, but you can easily forget what you are doing once you get up there. Ensure you stand together and hold hands, look at each other, and imagine tomorrow you will do that before a larger congregation than the one present.

Make Arrangements for Your Rings

It is time to decide who shall be responsible for your ring and how it shall get to you. There are diverse alternatives to manage this but are not limited to anything, and you can decide on whatever will make both of you contented. If you have an adorable mall child, this is a good idea for the ring. However, you can also give someone else the ring’s responsibility. When you give a child the commitment, you also have to ensure that they are under the watch of an adult who will provide the ring arrives at the right time.

These are some of the basic things you need to put into considerations during your wedding rehearsal. However, note that there are no standards set, and you can choose to make your occasion as unique it pleases you. However, consider them as the fundamental guidelines to help you facilitate your event.

Complete Weddings + Events in Austin, TX

If you’re planning a wedding in Austin, then you’ve landed at the right place! Now that you’ve said YES! to spending your life together, you have some exciting decisions ahead. At Complete Weddings + Events planning in Austin, wedding events are what we do best.  Complete Weddings + Events, Austin’s leading provider of event and wedding photographyvideographylightingcoordinationDJ services & photo booth rental.

Complete Weddings + Events, Austin’s leading provider of event and wedding photography, videography, lighting, coordinationDJ services & photo booth rental.

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