PHOTOGRAPHY $1295-$4995, DJ $545-$2995, VIDEO $1295-$4595, PHOTOBOOTH $445-$1195, COORDINATION $895-$2995

Rochester, MN

Wedding Videographer Rochester, MN

Event and Wedding Videographers in Rochester, MN

While photographs capture still moments, wedding videography brings those moments to life. At Complete Weddings + Events Rochester, our wedding videographers use cinematic techniques to capture the magic of your wedding day, so you can relive the sights, sounds, and emotions over and over again. Our team creates beautiful wedding films that showcase the most important moments of your special day.

We take pride in our Rochester wedding videographer’s artistic storytelling skills and ability to capture the emotion of once-in-a-lifetime moments you’ll be able to cherish forever in vivid, high-definition video. Talk with our team today to see why more brides and grooms have trusted us than any other videographer in the area.

Event and Wedding Videography Rochester, MN

At Complete Weddings + Events, we have extensive experience in events and weddings in Rochester, Minnesota, and beyond. We understand that videography is often an afterthought for many people, but it’s a service we often hear people regret not having.

With our Rochester videography experts at your event or wedding, you won’t miss a moment. Our team will capture all the special moments and provide you with a high-quality, unforgettable event/wedding video keepsake. Trust us to preserve your special memories forever!

Why Choose Complete Weddings + Events?

Our videographers based in Rochester, MN are dedicated to delivering a service that exceeds your expectations from the first consultation to the final wedding video delivery. We understand that your wedding day is one of the most important events of your life, and our goal is to make sure every moment is captured with precision, creativity, and care. Our experts will work closely with you to ensure you have the best possible experience and walk away with an event/wedding film you’ll love.

We offer a variety of key services, including high-quality video production for your wedding day or any other special event. Whether you want to capture your big day or make a lasting memory of a corporate event, our videographers have the expertise and skills to make your event unforgettable.

Highlight Film Footage

Our highlight film footage is designed to showcase the best moments of your entire event, from the big milestones to the small, meaningful details. We make sure we shoot everything, whether it’s the first look, the emotional vows, or candid moments with family and friends, so you remember all the best moments.

Vows and Toast Footage

From funny jokes to tears of emotion, nothing quite matches the moments that come when your family and friends speak from their hearts. These moments are the ones that can be easily forgotten in the bustle of the day. We are there to make sure these moments aren’t lost.

Optional Aerial Drone Videography

Take your wedding video to new heights with drone videography! With a view from the clouds, you can see your event from a whole new angle. Our videography team is equipped and ready to get you a bird’s eye view that you will love. Imagine seeing your entire event unfold from above, highlighting the beautiful surroundings, guests, and the grandeur of your special day.

Optional Second Videographer

When it comes to capturing every detail of your wedding, having a second videographer is a game-changer. A person can only be in one place at a time, but with two people capturing your event, and having a second professional on hand you can be sure that you will never miss a moment!

Complete Weddings + Events Rochester

We don’t stop with event and wedding videography – we’re here for the rest of your event too. Complete Weddings + Events Rochester also offers DJsphotographersphoto booth rentals, and coordinators. Contact us to get started booking your event and wedding services today!

Areas We Serve

At Complete Weddings + Events, we are committed to providing exceptional event and wedding videography services in Rochester, MN, and nearby areas including:

  • Mankato, MN
  • Austin, MN
  • Owatonna, MN
  • Red Wing, MN
  • Winona, MN
  • Faribault, MN
  • Northfield, MN
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"The videographer was a joy to have, and very sweet. She was always there to capture the moment, every time I looked up wondering if she had caught that, she did."

- Amanda J.

Complete Weddings + Events, Rochester’s leading provider of event and wedding photography, videography, lighting, DJ services, coordination, & photo booth rental.

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