Omaha, NE

Omaha Wedding Videographers

Event and Wedding Videographers in Omaha, NE

Videography captures the essence of life’s most memorable moments, transforming them into lasting treasures. For weddings and events in Omaha, our professional videographers ensure every detail is preserved with cinematic quality and creative storytelling. Our team specializes in personalized wedding videography, offering unparalleled expertise and tailored services that bring your vision to life. With a proven reputation, we have been the trusted choice of countless couples, ensuring their big day is immortalized in stunning high-definition wedding video.

Videography Package Gallery Example


Event and Wedding Videography

Providing services that exceed expectations is at the heart of what we do. Our event and wedding videography packages are designed to give you an exceptional experience, resulting in a video you will cherish forever. Here are a few key offerings we have available for your wedding day or your next event that needs videography:

Highlight Film Footage

Our Omaha wedding videographers specialize in creating highlight films that bring your day’s best moments to life. From the emotional first look to the joyful dance floor, we focus on capturing both the grand and intimate details. These short, cinematic films are designed to evoke the feelings and memories of your wedding day, allowing you to relive the magic for years to come.

Vows and Toast Footage

The heartfelt words exchanged during vows and toasts are often the most cherished moments of any wedding. Our Omaha wedding videographers expertly capture these speeches with crystal-clear audio and stunning visuals. Whether it’s a heartfelt story or a humorous anecdote, we ensure that every word and emotion is preserved, giving you a timeless keepsake of these special moments.

Optional Aerial Drone Videography

Take your wedding video to new heights with our aerial drone videography. Our Omaha wedding videographers use cutting-edge drone technology to provide breathtaking views of your venue and surrounding landscapes. These sweeping aerial shots add a cinematic flair to your video, offering a perspective that elevates your wedding story.

Optional Second Videographer

With the option of a second videographer, you’ll never miss a moment of your special day. While one videographer focuses on the main events, the second captures behind-the-scenes interactions, candid moments, and alternate angles. This comprehensive approach ensures every significant detail of your wedding is beautifully documented.

Complete Weddings + Events is here to make planning and building the perfect wedding video package for event videography easy. We work through all of the details and customize a package to capture exactly what you’re looking for.

Pre-Wedding Prep

Once your Complete Weddings + Events videography package is complete, you can immediately begin filling out your online planner which outlines your day’s timeline and details, or you can add in these details as they become official during your wedding planning process.

A final meeting with your videographer about a month before your big day will help your day’s vision come to life for your videographer. All final details are locked in, and all your video wants can be checked off so the videographer can capture the best footage for your final wedding video.

We want to provide you with a stunning event video that keeps your memories alive in beautiful HD video, so we believe no wedding planning detail is too small!

On the Big Day

Our Omaha wedding videographers will work closely with your photographer on the big day to ensure all the filming is completed efficiently, and your cinematography team doesn’t have to pose you and your wedding party twice to capture the same moment.

Your Complete Weddings + Events videographer is in your corner; they’ll be able to help you with anything you might need (even outside their videographer duties – things happen!), and they are there to make sure the day is as enjoyable and simple as possible!

Omaha Wedding Videographers

Why Should You Hire a Videographer?

Hiring a videographer ensures your special moments are preserved in a way that photos alone cannot achieve. On the day of your big event, you’ll be focused on the big picture—making sure everything goes smoothly. Our professional wedding videographers capture these fleeting details with cinematic precision, creating timeless keepsakes that bring your memories to life.

A professional videographer documents the emotions, atmosphere, and energy of your event, crafting a timeless keepsake that brings your memories to life. Our team at Complete Weddings + Events videographers has captured thousands of hours on events in Omaha and beyond. Let our team record your event and send you an unforgettable keepsake to mark the occasion.

Finding the Best Videographers in Omaha, Nebraska

The best videography services are driven by a great event videographer. We recommend getting to know the work of a few videographers you are interested in, so you can make an informed decision. Think about what’s important to you:

  • Do you like the way that they tell a story?
  • Do you want many action shots or some still frame photos mixed in?
  • What about music and lighting?
  • Do you find yourself drawn into the scene?

These are the things that will tell you if you have found the videographer for you. Another trait that sets a great videographer apart is their attentiveness. Do they notice the details both big and small? Are they aware of you and what your needs are while filming? You should find a videographer who can do this without thinking.

Finally, the right videography professional is just that — a professional. They should know how to smoothly and discreetly get the best shots of your event while maneuvering around vendors, without disrupting the guest experience.

They should be timely, friendly, and open to feedback. While this list may feel long, knowing you’ve selected the right person to cover your event will be worth it.

Complete Weddings + Events Omaha

Beyond videography, we offer a range of event services to make your wedding planning seamless. Contact us to learn about our other event planning offerings and get started today.


“We loved the professionalism and experience with our photographers, videographer, and DJ! Each of them did a phenomenal job walking us step by step to make sure our wedding was a special day.” – Brian N.

“Complete was amazing to work with! I worked with Shania (videographer), Andre (DJ), Trevor and Adé (photographers), and Cici and Brooke (sales managers) and I would recommend every single one of them. The service and quality we received was top notch and they made our entire day run so smoothly. 10/10 would recommend!” – Tiana K. 

“Josh Rothe was our Videographer and he was absolutely amazing. Perfect fit, amazing person, great listener, fun, team player, just overall great to work with.” – Mollie S. 

“The staff at Complete is extremely knowledgable, honest, and patient. We were indecisive on some services, and they accommodated us easily! We absolutely loved our DJ and Videographer. DJ Jimma was so much fun to plan and work with, and kept our dance floor busy! Diego was the perfect videographer. He truly captured the beauty of our day, and our video is stunning!” – Hannah W. 

“Complete Weddings made my dreams for my wedding a reality! We had a wonderful photographer and videographer, Erin and Matthew, who worked together so well to capture the best moments. Our DJ, Tommy, did such a wonderful job with our ceremony music and ran the show at the reception. Our coordinator, Kiana did FANTASTIC throughout the whole weekend and everything ran as smoothly as possible because of her. Thank you all so much!” – Erica Y. 

Areas We Serve – Find a Videographer Near You

At Complete Weddings + Events, we are committed to providing exceptional event and wedding videography services in Omaha, NE, and surrounding areas including:

  • Elkhorn, NE
  • Millard, NE
  • Gretna, NE
  • Bennington, NE
  • Papillion, NE
  • La Vista, NE
  • Bellevue, NE
  • Fremont, NE
  • Louisville, NE
  • Plattsmouth, NE
  • Waterloo, NE
  • Council Bluffs, IA
  • Pacific Junction, IA
  • Glenwood, IA
  • Treynor, IA
  • Shelby, IA
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"The videographer was a joy to have, and very sweet. She was always there to capture the moment, every time I looked up wondering if she had caught that, she did."

- Amanda J.

Omaha’s leading provider of event and wedding photography, videography, lighting, coordinationDJ services & photo booth rental.

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