Charleston, SC

Charleston Wedding Videographer

Event and Wedding Videographer Charleston, SC

While photographs capture still moments, wedding videography adds movement and emotion, allowing you to relive the full experience. At Complete Weddings + Events Charleston, our professional videographers use cinematic techniques to capture the magic of your wedding day. From the sound of laughter to the emotional exchange of vows, we ensure every detail is recorded for you to enjoy over and over again.

We take pride in our Charleston wedding videographer’s artistic storytelling skills and ability to capture the emotion of once-in-a-lifetime moments you’ll be able to cherish forever in vivid, high-definition video.

Event and Wedding Videography Charleston, SC

We aim to deliver a service that exceeds your expectations from the first moment we connect. Our videographers in Charleston are ready to work with you and give you the best possible event experience so you walk away with the event and wedding film you love. Here are a few key offerings we have available for weddings and events:

Highlight film footage.

Our highlight films beautifully capture the essence of your wedding day, weaving together the most meaningful and memorable moments into a seamless, cinematic story. From the intricate lace on your gown to the grand entrance of your reception, we ensure every detail is thoughtfully preserved. Set against Charleston’s picturesque scenery, whether it’s the historic charm of a downtown venue or the coastal beauty of a waterfront ceremony, your highlight film will reflect the unique atmosphere and emotions of your special day.

Vows and toast footage.

The words spoken on your wedding day carry immense emotion and significance, from heartfelt vows exchanged at the altar to the touching and humorous toasts shared during your reception. These moments often pass by in the excitement of the day but are too precious to be forgotten. Our videographers skillfully capture the raw emotion, laughter, and love in these speeches, preserving the words that matter most for you to cherish and relive forever.

Optional aerial drone footage.

Charleston’s breathtaking vistas make it the perfect setting for aerial drone footage. From panoramic views of the city’s historic skyline to sweeping shots of its pristine coastal landscapes and lush greenery, our drone technology adds a unique and cinematic, bird’s-eye perspective to your wedding film. This elevated vantage point not only highlights your venue’s beauty but also frames your celebration in the grandeur it deserves.

Optional second videographer.

Two videographers mean double the coverage and peace of mind. With one focused on the big moments, like your vows and first dance, and the other capturing candid moments among your guests, you’ll have a comprehensive video that reflects every part of your celebration. This option is ideal for larger weddings or couples looking to capture every detail of their day.

Complete Weddings + Events is here to make planning and building the perfect video package easy. We work through all of the details and customize a package to capture exactly what you’re looking for.

Finding the Perfect Wedding Videographer

On the day of your big event, you’ll be busy from start to finish. While you’re busy making sure the big moments go according to plans, many of those smaller, special moments can slip away or will get lost in your memory of the whole shebang.

Videography helps to capture the moments that photography can’t always get! It allows you to look back on special memories for years to come. Do yourself a favor and add videography to your list of event must-haves — you won’t regret it.

What to Look for

The best videography services are driven by a great event videographer. We recommend getting to know the work of a few wedding videographers in Charleston, SC you are interested in, so you can make an informed decision. Think about what’s important to you:

  • Do you like the way that they tell a story?
  • Do you want lots of action shots or action shots with still-frame photos mixed in?
  • What about music and lighting?
  • Do you find yourself drawn into the scene?

Why Choose Our Charleston Videographers?

At Complete Weddings + Events Charleston, we understand that every couple has a unique love story. Our professional videographers go the extra mile to provide personalized service, ensuring your wedding day is as enjoyable and simple as possible. We work closely with your photographer to efficiently capture every moment without repeating poses, allowing you to relax and enjoy the day.

What sets us apart in Charleston is our blend of experience and local expertise. With years of creating stunning wedding films, our team captures your most meaningful moments with artistry and care. From the historic charm of downtown Charleston to the breathtaking waterfront venues, we know the best spots to create cinematic wedding videos that reflect your love story.

Additionally, we prioritize seamless coordination. Our videographers work hand-in-hand with photographers, event planners, and other vendors, ensuring a stress-free experience on your wedding day. Whether you’re planning a destination wedding or another special event, we bring creativity, professionalism, and storytelling expertise to every project.

Wedding Videography Packages

At Complete Weddings + Events Charleston, our wedding videography packages are designed to capture every cherished moment of your wedding day with cinematic quality. Whether you want full-day coverage, a highlight wedding film, or enhancements like aerial drone footage, we customize each package to fit your vision and budget.

Our professional videographers work seamlessly with wedding photographers and vendors to ensure a stress-free experience. Whether it’s a local celebration or a destination wedding, we’re here to create a stunning wedding video you’ll treasure forever. Contact us today to get started!

Complete Weddings + Events Charleston

For the rest of your event, we’re here to help, too — contact us to learn about our other event planning offerings and get started today. Complete Weddings + Events Charleston is the leading provider of DJ, photography, and photo booth rental services in the area.


“Wayne, I just wanted to personally say thank you again. From the officiant service, you provided, to the DJ service, you were amazing. We also really enjoyed the drone and the video coverage services provided. Your company was outstanding in every aspect. Thank you again. Highly recommend!!” – Krystal W. 

“We loved working with Wayne and Complete. Not only were they competitive with their pricing, but also their reviews and staff great. As I was an out of town bride, it was extremely helpful to have one place handle everything. Also, their on-line payment and booking features make everything easy and efficient. We loved Zheng, our photographer, Jessie, Videographer, Phil, DJ and Charlie at the Photobooth -they all work so well together. We were concerned about explaining the vibe we were going for – but DJ Phil captured the vibe perfectly and we had to literally force people off the dance floor at the end of the reception. Thank you Complete – would highly recommend them for any event.” – Catherine S.

“We used complete weddings to video our wedding on October 6th. We just got it a couple of days ago and we absolutely loved it! Both our families loved it and most even cried while watching it. The videographer was so nice and honestly we hardly even knew he was there but captured everything! Would absolutely recommend if you’re thinking about using them for your wedding!” – Liz & Chris P.

Areas We Serve – Find a Videographer Near You

At Complete Weddings + Events, we are committed to providing exceptional event and wedding videography services in Charleston, SC, and nearby areas including:

  • North Charleston, SC
  • Mount Pleasant, SC
  • Hilton Head Island, SC
  • Summerville, SC
  • Goose Creek, SC
  • Bluffton, SC
  • Orangeburg, SC
  • Beaufort, SC
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"The videographer was a joy to have, and very sweet. She was always there to capture the moment, every time I looked up wondering if she had caught that, she did."

- Amanda J.

Complete Weddings + Events, Charleston’s leading provider of event and wedding photography, videography, lighting, DJ services, coordination & photo booth rental.

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