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Oklahoma City, OK

Wedding Videographer Oklahoma City

Event & Wedding Videographers Oklahoma City

Complete Wedding + Events brings wedding videography to Oklahoma City, turning once-in-a-lifetime moments into timeless films. Every wedding tells a unique story, and our team ensures each special moment is beautifully captured. Talk with our team or view our gallery to see why more brides and grooms have trusted us than any other wedding videographers in Oklahoma City.

We take pride in our wedding videographer’s artistic storytelling skills and ability to capture the emotion of once-in-a-lifetime moments you’ll be able to cherish forever in vivid, high-definition video.

Event and Wedding Videography Oklahoma City

At Complete Weddings + Events, we have extensive experience in events and weddings in Oklahoma City and surrounding areas. We understand that videography is often an afterthought for many people, but it’s a service we often hear people regret not having.

With our Oklahoma City videography experts at your event or wedding, you won’t miss an important moment. Our team will capture all the special moments and provide you with a high-quality, unforgettable event/wedding video keepsake. Trust us to preserve your special memories forever!

Capturing the Best Event and Wedding Video in OKC

The best videography services are driven by a great event videographer. We recommend getting to know the work of a few videographers in Oklahoma City you are interested in, so you can make an informed decision. Think about what’s important to you:

  • Do you like the way that they tell a story?
  • Do you want many action shots or some still-frame photos mixed in?
  • What about music and lighting?
  • Do you find yourself drawn into the scene?


These are the things that will tell you if you have found the videographer for you. Another trait that sets a great event and wedding videographer in OKC apart is their attentiveness.

Do they notice the details both big and small? Are they aware of you and what your needs are while filming? You should find a videographer who can do this without thinking.


Finally, the right Oklahoma City videography professional is just that — a professional. They should know how to smoothly and discreetly get the best shots of your event while maneuvering around vendors, without disrupting the guest experience.

They should be timely, friendly, and open to feedback. While this list may feel long, knowing you’ve selected the right person to cover your event will be worth it.

Why Choose Complete Weddings + Events?

Complete Weddings + Events videographers based in OKC are dedicated to delivering a service that exceeds your expectations from start to finish. Our experts will work closely with you to ensure you have the best possible experience and walk away with a final product you’ll love.

We offer a variety of key services, including high-quality video production for your wedding day or any other special event. Whether you want to capture your big day or make a lasting memory of a corporate event, our Oklahoma City videographers have the expertise to deliver.

Highlight film footage.

Your highlight film footage is the heart of your wedding video, showcasing the most beautiful and emotional moments of your entire event. We make sure we capture everything, including the small details, so you remember all the best moments and no significant detail is left behind.

Vows and toast footage.

The vows and toasts are often the most personal and touching parts of your wedding day. From funny jokes to tears of emotion, nothing quite matches the moments that come when friends and family speak from their hearts. In the excitement and rush of the day, these moments are the ones that can be easily forgotten, but we ensure they are beautifully captured so you can relive them for years to come.

Optional aerial drone footage.

Take your wedding video to new heights with our aerial drone footage. With a breathtaking view from the clouds, you can see your event from a whole new angle. Our skilled videography team is equipped and ready to get you a bird’s eye view that you will love.

Optional second videographer.

If one videographer is good, two videographers give you the advantage of never missing a moment! A person can only be in one place at a time, but with two people capturing your event, you can be sure that a second videographer allows us to capture multiple angles, ensuring that every key moment is documented in full! This extra coverage ensures that no memory is left behind, providing you with a richer, more dynamic wedding video.

OKC Wedding Videography Packages

Complete Weddings + Events is here to make planning and building the perfect wedding videography package. We work through all of the details and customize a package to capture exactly what you’re looking for.

Pre-Wedding Prep

Once your Complete Weddings + Events videography package is complete, you can immediately begin filling out your online planner which outlines your day’s timeline and details, or you can add in these details as they become official during your wedding planning process

Final Meeting

A final meeting with your videographer about a month before your special day will help your day’s vision come to life for your videographer. All final details are locked in, and all your video wants can be checked off so the videographer can capture the best footage for your final wedding video.

On the Big Day

Our videographers will work closely with your photographer on the big day to ensure all the filming is completed efficiently, and your cinematography team doesn’t have to pose you and your wedding party twice to capture the same moment.

Your Complete Weddings + Events OKC videographer is in your corner; they’ll be able to help you with anything you might need (even outside their videographer duties – things happen!), and they are there to make sure the day is as enjoyable and simple as possible!

Other Event Videography Services We Offer

At Complete Weddings + Events, we don’t just specialize in weddings. We also offer exceptional videography services for a variety of events. No matter the occasion, we’re here to help you preserve the memories of your special day.

Corporate Events

Capture the essence of your corporate event with professional videography that showcases your business, employees, and guests. From conferences to company milestones, our team delivers high-quality videos that highlight the most important moments and showcase the atmosphere of your corporate gathering.

Private Parties

Whether it’s a milestone birthday, anniversary, or any private celebration, our videographers ensure every moment is captured. Relive the laughter, the speeches, and the unforgettable moments with a professionally produced video tailored to your event’s vibe.

School Dances

School dances are moments of excitement and memories, and we make sure every fun and emotional moment is filmed. Our team is skilled at capturing the spirit and energy of school events, producing dynamic videos that reflect the memories created that night.

Bat and Bar Mitzvah

Your child’s Bat or Bar Mitzvah is a significant event in your family’s life, and we’re honored to be part of the journey. We offer thoughtful and professional videography services that capture the sacred moments, speeches, dances, and everything in between, preserving the magic for years to come.

Complete Weddings + Events OKC

For the rest of your event, our team is here to help, too — contact us to learn about our other event planning offerings at Complete Weddings + Events (photography, DJs, photo booth rentals, and more) and get started today.

Areas We Serve – Find a Videographer Near You

At Complete Weddings + Events, we are committed to providing exceptional event and wedding videography services in Oklahoma City and surrounding areas including:

  • Del City, OK
  • Midwest City, OK
  • The Village, OK
  • Warr Acres, OK
  • Bethany, OK
  • Moore, OK
  • Edmond, OK
  • Mustang, OK
  • Choctaw, OK
  • Yukon, OK
  • Norman, OK
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"The videographer was a joy to have, and very sweet. She was always there to capture the moment, every time I looked up wondering if she had caught that, she did."

- Amanda J.

Complete Weddings + Events, Oklahoma City’s leading provider of event and wedding photography, videography, lighting, coordinationDJ services & photo booth rental.

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