Nashville, TN

Nashville Wedding Videographers

Event and Wedding Videographers in Nashville, TN

Every love story deserves to be told in a way that feels personal, emotional, and unforgettable. Our team of professional wedding videographers in Nashville specializes in creating cinematic wedding films that reflect the beauty, emotions, and unique details of your special day. With expertise in modern wedding videography, we ensure that every cherished moment is preserved in a beautifully crafted wedding video.

Our talented team focuses on preserving heartfelt emotions and intricate details in stunning high-definition video. With years of experience filming weddings in Nashville and the surrounding areas, we ensure that your most cherished memories are turned into cinematic keepsakes.

Contact our team today to discover how we can turn your big day into an unforgettable masterpiece.

Event and Wedding Videography in Nashville, TN

The goal is simple: to provide couples with an unforgettable experience while delivering romantic wedding videos that capture every meaningful detail. Our team at Complete Weddings + Events Nashville is committed to providing a service that surpasses your expectations throughout the entire process. We will collaborate closely with you to ensure you have an exceptional experience and receive an event/wedding film that you will adore.

We provide a range of essential services, including top-notch video production for your wedding day or any special event. Whether you wish to capture your special day or create a lasting memory of a corporate event, we possess the skills to deliver.

Highlight Film Footage

Capture the most meaningful moments of your special day in a beautifully crafted highlight film. From emotional first looks to the joyful first dance, our videographers focus on the details that matter most. Each highlight film is thoughtfully edited to showcase the essence of your wedding in a cinematic, easy-to-share format.

Vows and Toasts Footage

Your vows and the heartfelt toasts from friends and family are often the most emotional and memorable parts of your wedding day. However, these moments can quickly become a blur amidst the excitement.

Our videographers ensure every word, from the tear-filled promises to the funny anecdotes, is captured with clarity and care. With professionally recorded audio and high-definition visuals, you’ll have a timeless keepsake of these cherished moments.

Optional Aerial Drone Videography

Take your wedding video to new heights with stunning aerial drone footage. Our skilled videographers use advanced drone technology to provide sweeping views of your venue, creating a cinematic perspective that highlights Nashville’s natural beauty and iconic locations.

Optional Second Videographer

When it comes to capturing your wedding, one videographer is great, but two can elevate your video to a whole new level. A second videographer ensures comprehensive coverage, documenting moments from multiple perspectives.

While one videographer focuses on the main events, the other can capture candid behind-the-scenes moments, reactions from guests, and alternative angles. Together, they create a seamless, full story of your special day, ensuring no detail is missed.

The Best Videography Services for Your Next Event

Our videography services extend beyond weddings, capturing a variety of events with the same attention to detail and storytelling approach.


From intimate elopements to grand celebrations, our top wedding videographers in Nashville ensure every moment is beautifully documented. Our wedding videography packages are designed to fit different styles and preferences, providing couples with stunning keepsakes of their special day.

Corporate Events

Professional event videography is essential for capturing keynote speeches, panel discussions, and company milestones. Our team specializes in corporate event videography, producing high-quality videos for marketing, branding, and internal communications.

Private Parties

Celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, and special gatherings with a professionally filmed video. Our videography services ensure that laughter, joy, and candid moments are preserved for years to come.

Why Choose Complete Weddings + Events?

At Complete Weddings + Events, we have extensive experience filming events and weddings in Nashville, TN, and beyond. Our event and wedding video service captures moments that often go unnoticed, providing couples with memories they can cherish forever. We recognize that wedding videography is often underestimated, yet it is a service that many couples regret not having.

Our experienced videographers in Nashville, TN ensure that every important moment of your wedding or event is captured with care. We create high-quality videos that preserve the special memories of your big day, providing you with a keepsake you’ll cherish for years. Trust our team to deliver a stunning video that reflects the true spirit of your celebration. With our professional wedding videographers, you can feel assured knowing your memories are expertly preserved in a video that you’ll never forget.

Nashville Videography Packages

Planning the perfect wedding videography and photography package doesn’t have to be complicated. Let us handle all the details and customize a package that captures exactly what you envision for your special day!

Our videographers will collaborate closely with your photographer, coordinating to capture every moment without requiring repeated poses or interruptions, making sure everything runs smoothly.

Your Complete Weddings + Events videographer is your ally; they will assist you with anything you may require (even beyond their videographer responsibilities – unforeseen events occur!), and they are present to ensure the day is as pleasant and stress-free as possible!

Complete Weddings + Events Nashville

We don’t stop with event and wedding videography – we’re here for the rest of your event too. Complete Weddings + Events Nashville also offers DJsphotographersphoto booth rentals, and coordinators. Contact us to get started booking your event and wedding services today!

Areas We Serve – Find a Videographer Near You

At Complete Weddings + Events, we offer top-notch event and wedding videography services in Nashville, TN, and nearby areas.

  • Murfreesboro, TN
  • Franklin, TN
  • Hendersonville, TN
  • Smyrna, TN
  • Brentwood, TN
  • Spring Hill, TN
  • Mount Juliet, TN
  • Gallatin, TN
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"The videographer was a joy to have, and very sweet. She was always there to capture the moment, every time I looked up wondering if she had caught that, she did."

- Amanda J.

Complete Weddings + Events, Nashville’s leading provider of event and wedding photography, videography, lighting, coordination, DJ services & photo booth rental.

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