Complete Wedding + Events videographers capture unique stories and film amazing weddings. We have been trusted by more brides than any other wedding videographers in the Des Moines area.
We take pride in our Des Moines wedding videographer’s artistic storytelling skills and ability to capture the emotion of once-in-a-lifetime moments you’ll be able to cherish forever in vivid, high-definition video. Whether you’re hosting a destination wedding or a local celebration, our wedding and event videography services ensure that every important moment is captured.
We aim to deliver a service that exceeds your expectations from the first moment we connect. Our team of event and wedding videographers is ready to work with you and give you the best possible event experience so you walk away with and event or wedding video you love. Here are a few key offerings we have available for your wedding day or your next event that needs videography:
These are the best moments of your whole event. We make sure we shoot everything, including the small details, so you remember all the best moments. Perfectly crafted for sharing on social media, our highlight films bring your celebration to life in a way you’ll cherish forever.
From funny jokes to tears of emotion, nothing quite matches the moments that come when family and friends speak from their hearts. These special moments are the ones that can be easily forgotten in the bustle of the day. We are there to make sure these moments aren’t lost.
With a breathtaking view from the clouds, you’ll experience your event from a whole new and stunning perspective, capturing the full scale and beauty of your venue like never before. Our videography team is equipped and ready to get you a bird’s eye view that you will love. This unique perspective offers a stunning way to preserve your special moments, giving you a comprehensive and cinematic view that showcases the full scale of your celebration.
If one videographer is good, two are better! For ultimate coverage on your wedding day, consider adding a second videographer to your package. A person can only be in one place at a time, but with two people capturing your event, you can be sure that you will never miss a moment! With two professionals at your event, you’ll get multiple perspectives, capturing everything from intimate exchanges to sweeping wide shots. This gives you a fuller, more dynamic video that reflects all the special moments and emotions of your wedding or event.
Every special moment deserves to be captured in stunning detail. Our professional videography services extend beyond weddings, ensuring that all of life’s milestones and events are beautifully preserved through our lens.
Your wedding day is one of the most important days of your life, and our wedding videographers in Des Moines are here to capture every meaningful moment. From intimate elopements to grand celebrations, we craft cinematic wedding films that showcase the love, emotion, and magic of your special day. With expert storytelling and high-definition quality, we ensure your memories are beautifully preserved for a lifetime.
A well-produced video can leave a lasting impression on your audience. Whether it’s a conference, product launch, promotional campaign, or company milestone, our corporate videography services provide polished, high-quality content that strengthens your brand and engages your audience.
From birthdays and anniversaries to retirement celebrations and reunions, every milestone deserves to be remembered. Our videographers capture the energy, excitement, and candid moments of your private gatherings, creating films that allow you to relive the celebration for years to come.
Celebrate this once-in-a-lifetime moment with a professionally crafted film that preserves the traditions, emotions, and joy of the day. Our team ensures that every heartfelt speech, dance, and special moment is documented in a way your family will cherish forever.
Complete Weddings + Events is here to make planning and building the perfect wedding film package for event videography easy. We work through all of the details and customize a package to capture exactly what you’re looking for.
Our videographers will work closely with your photographer on the big day to ensure all the filming is completed efficiently, and your cinematography team doesn’t have to pose you and your wedding party twice to capture the same moment.
Your Complete Weddings + Events videographer is in your corner; they’ll be able to help you with anything you might need (even outside their videographer duties – things happen!), and they are there to make sure that your special day is as enjoyable and simple as possible!
At Complete Weddings + Events, we believe in making your wedding planning as stress-free as possible. When you book both wedding videography and photography with us, you can bundle and save! By choosing both services, you’ll ensure seamless coordination between your photographer and videographer, giving you a cohesive and beautifully captured memory of your special day.
Complete Weddings + Events Des Moines is your go-to partner for every aspect of event planning, offering an extensive range of services to make your celebration unforgettable. From expert photography and videography to entertainment options like DJs and photo booths, our team is here to ensure your event runs smoothly.
For the rest of your event, we’re here to help, too — contact us to learn about our other event planning offerings and get started today.
“We are so thankful for Sue, Scott, and Eli! They all did a fantastic job. Super easy to communicate and make payments on the portal. On our wedding day, Eli did a fantastic job and even tied my dad’s tie. I won’t ever forget that! The videos turned out amazing!! We are so happy and couldn’t be more thankful. We will definitely recommend Eli and Complete Weddings + Events to all our friends.” – Sandra D.
“We’re speechless with how great our videographer Scott was. He was quick with communication before our wedding day and so easy to work with on our day. He is very talented with the camera. The cinematic video came on time and the editors did such an excellent job as well. Overall, we are thrilled with our experience with Complete Events’ videographer service.” – Joe E.
“Eli was AMAZING to work with!! He was so kind, friendly, professional, thoughtful, and excited. We could go on and on about working with him. We are so glad that we decided to add a videographer for our wedding. Can’t wait to see the finished product!” – Paige N.
At Complete Weddings + Events, we are committed to providing exceptional event and wedding videography services in:
"The videographer was a joy to have, and very sweet. She was always there to capture the moment, every time I looked up wondering if she had caught that, she did."
- Amanda J.
Complete Weddings + Events, Des Moines’ leading provider of event and wedding photography, videography, lighting, coordination, DJ services & photo booth rental.