Wedding Videographers Chattanooga

Wedding Videographers in Chattanooga, TN & North Georgia

Videography is an art form that captures the essence of your most memorable events through visual storytelling. It turns these cherished moments into cinematic treasures that become a lasting part of your family’s legacy. When looking for an event or wedding videographer in Chattanooga, TN, or North Georgia, let our skilled videography team at Complete Weddings + Events capture the candid, magical moments of your day in stunning HD video.

We take pride in our reputation and have years of experience in wedding photography and videography. We have been the choice of countless brides and grooms to film their big day, making us one of the most sought-after wedding videography companies in North Georgia and Chattanooga.

Event and Wedding Videographers Chattanooga, TN + North Georgia

Our professional team includes a talented Chattanooga wedding videographer or event photographer ready to deliver an exceptional experience, ensuring you receive a high-quality cinematic wedding video that captures everything from your ceremony to your reception and every heartfelt moment in between.

Highlight film

A highlight film showcases the best moments of your entire event, artfully set to music, and includes touching parts of your vows and toasts. We meticulously capture everything, from the small details to the grand celebrations, ensuring you remember all the significant moments.

Optional aerial drone footage

Elevate your event with aerial drone footage, providing a breathtaking view from above. Our videography team is equipped to capture unique angles and stunning vistas that offer a new perspective on your special day.

Optional second videographer

While one videographer can capture a lot, having two ensures that no special moment goes unnoticed. With two professionals capturing your wedding day, you can rest assured that every detail and emotion is recorded.

Wedding Videography Packages

Complete Weddings + Events is committed to making the process of planning and customizing the perfect wedding videography package as seamless as possible. We handle all the details, tailoring a videography and photography package that perfectly aligns with your vision.

Our videographers collaborate closely with your photographer on your big day to ensure that all filming is completed efficiently. This teamwork means your cinematography team won’t need to stage the same shot twice, allowing you and your wedding party to enjoy the day naturally.

Your Complete Weddings + Events videographer is more than just a professional capturing your event; they’re a supportive partner dedicated to making your day enjoyable and stress-free. If you need assistance beyond their videographer duties, they’re there to help, ensuring everything goes smoothly.

Is Videography Worth It For A Wedding?

Wedding videography has grown increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason. While wedding photography captures still images of key moments, wedding videography offers a more immersive and emotional experience for you and your loved ones to treasure for years to come.

Advantages of Wedding Videography

  • Capture Candid Moments: Videography captures the essence of candid moments throughout the day’s events, preserving the genuine emotions and interactions.
  • Tell Your Love Story: A wedding video beautifully narrates your unique love story, highlighting the special bond you share.
  • Record Important Details: Video captures the heartfelt vows, touching toasts, and joyful laughter that define your wedding day.
  • Emotions in Motion: Wedding videos convey expressions, movements, and emotions, providing a dynamic portrayal of your special day.
  • Relive the Day: Experience a more engaging and emotional retelling of your wedding day, allowing you to relive the joy over and over again.

Complete Weddings + Events Chattanooga, Tennessee & North Georgia

Complete Weddings + Events videographers provide you with stunning event and wedding films that keep your memories alive in beautiful HD video. For the rest of your event, we’re here to help, too — contact us to learn more about our other event planning offerings: photographers, DJs, photo booth rentals, coordinators, and more.


“Absolutely love the beautiful capture of such an unforgettable day that they were able to give to me. I will cherish such a beautiful video for the rest of my life.” – Elena T. 

“Complete Weddings + Events was amazing! We went with the DJ, Photography, and Videography package and could not be happier. They had great, detailed planning forms to complete in advance to help our special day run smoothly. They reached out the week of the wedding to run through everything to make sure our desires were met. They were all kind, easy going, and we could not be happier!” – Michelle S. 

“We hired Robert for our daughters wedding, and he did a wonderful job capturing her special day!” – Cheryl D. 

For a premier wedding videographer in Chattanooga, TN, and the surrounding areas, contact us today to discover how we can help make your event unforgettable!

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"The videographer was a joy to have, and very sweet. She was always there to capture the moment, every time I looked up wondering if she had caught that, she did."

- Amanda J.

Complete Weddings + Events, Chattanooga & North Georgia’s leading provider of event and wedding photography, videography, lighting, coordination, DJ services & photo booth rental.

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