While photographs capture still moments, wedding videography brings those moments to life. At Complete Weddings + Events Burlington, our wedding videographers use cinematic techniques to capture the magic of your wedding day, so you can relive the sights, sounds, and emotions over and over again. Our team creates beautiful wedding films that showcase the most important moments of your day, making it easy to remember the beauty and emotion of the occasion.
We take pride in our wedding videographer’s artistic storytelling skills and ability to capture the emotion of once-in-a-lifetime moments you’ll be able to cherish forever in vivid, high-definition video.
Our team at Complete Weddings + Events Burlington is committed to providing a service that surpasses your expectations throughout the entire process. We will collaborate closely with you to ensure you have an exceptional experience and receive an event/wedding film that you will adore.
We provide a range of essential services, including top-notch video production for your wedding day or any special event. Whether you wish to capture your special day or create a lasting memory of a corporate event, our team has the experience and skills to deliver stunning results.
Your wedding day is filled with countless moments that deserve to be remembered. From the joyful smiles during the ceremony to the intricate details of your decor and venue, our Burlington wedding videographers capture it all.
Our highlight films are designed to distill the most meaningful parts of your day, turning them into a cinematic masterpiece that tells your unique love story. Relive the magic of your special day with a beautifully edited highlight reel you’ll cherish forever.
Your vows and the heartfelt toasts from your loved ones are some of the most emotional and meaningful moments of your wedding day. These words often fade with time but remain essential to the story of your wedding.
Our team ensures that every word is captured with crystal-clear audio and stunning visuals capturing the raw emotions, laughter, and tears as they unfold. With our expert videography, relive these unforgettable memories for years to come, and let the voices of your wedding day continue to echo in your heart forever.
Take your wedding film to new heights—literally. Our drone videography offers a unique perspective, showcasing breathtaking aerial views of your venue and surroundings. Whether you’re getting married at a scenic Burlington outdoor venue or a charming local chapel, drone footage adds a cinematic touch that elevates your wedding video. This option provides a stunning visual context that transforms your film into a work of art.
Sometimes, one camera simply isn’t enough to capture the full scope of your wedding day. Adding an optional second videographer, allows us to document your celebration from multiple perspectives.
While one videographer focuses on key moments like the ceremony, vows, and speeches, the second captures candid interactions, behind-the-scenes moments, and the reactions of your guests. This dynamic approach ensures no detail is missed and your wedding video feels complete and immersive.
At Complete Weddings + Events, we have extensive experience filming events and weddings in Burlington, VT, and surrounding areas. We recognize that wedding videography is often underestimated, yet it is a service that many couples regret not having included in their big day.
Our professional videographers in Burlington, VT will not overlook a single moment of your event or wedding. We capture all the special moments, providing you with a high-quality video memento that you will treasure for years to come. You can rely on us to safeguard your memories and produce an unforgettable video that encapsulates the essence of your special day. With our team of Burlington wedding videographers, you can be confident that your memories are in capable hands.
At Complete Weddings + Events Burlington, we simplify the process of planning and creating the ideal wedding videography package. We handle all the details and tailor a package to match precisely your vision, ensuring that your wedding video captures everything you want and more.
Our professional videographers will collaborate closely with your photographer on the big day to ensure all filming is done efficiently, so you and your wedding party do not have to repeat poses to capture the same moment.
Your Complete Weddings + Events videographer is your ally; they will assist you with anything you may require (even beyond their videographer responsibilities – unforeseen events occur!), and they are present to ensure the day is as pleasant and stress-free as possible!
When you bundle multiple services like photography, videography, and DJ, you receive a discount that helps you get more value for your investment. Our team works with you to find the best combination of services that meet your needs and budget while offering top-quality service for every aspect of your wedding or event.
By choosing a package that includes multiple services, you can streamline your planning and enjoy a seamless experience on your big day, knowing that each aspect is handled by trusted professionals. With Complete Weddings + Events, you’ll receive top-quality service for every part of your wedding or event, all while saving money with our exclusive bundle discounts.
We don’t stop with event and wedding videography – we’re here for the rest of your event too. Complete Weddings + Events Burlington also offers DJs, photographers, photo booth rentals, and coordinators. Contact us to get started booking your event and wedding services today!
At Complete Weddings + Events, we match you with the best event and wedding videography services in Burlington, VT, and nearby areas including:
"The videographer was a joy to have, and very sweet. She was always there to capture the moment, every time I looked up wondering if she had caught that, she did."
- Amanda J.
Complete Weddings + Events, Northern Vermont and New Hampshire’s leading provider of event and wedding photography, videography, lighting, coordination, DJ services & photo booth rental.